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News item Comments posted by angela.

  1. I think the Broken Wolf is either Hopper, or Lan. Hopper was already dead, so obviously death has known him. Prophecies have a way of being completely literal, but in the least obvious way. And I believe that every prophecy is probably as factual as any other, depending on the interpretation. Karaethon Cycle, Jendai, Aiel, Dark, Seahchan - whichever. They probably all are true depending on how you look at them. I think it's sort of the nature of prophecies.


    The reason I think it is Hopper is that if he hadn't died, Perrin would not have been driven to craft Mah'alleinir and would not have named it after Hopper.

    The Blacksmith carrying the Hammer is one of the signs of the Last Battle in the Seanchan prophecies.

    "When the Wolf King carries the hammer, thus are the final days known. When the fox marries the raven, and the trumpets of battle are blown."


    Because Hopper dies and Perrin crafts the hammer, the Last Battle really begins and that makes people terrified, for obvious reasons.


    Unless of course you consider the first words of the sentence: IN THAT DAY. Do all of these things happen on the same day Mat goes to the Tower? Does it mean that while Mat was in the Tower, Rand broke the seals, and Lan dies while charging the Gap? If THAT DAYis literally the same day, it can't mean Hopper's death and must mean another's.


    Death has known Lan, as Lan has courted death from nearly his very birth? His bond snapped with Moiraine, making him believe her dead. Will he fall? I do not believe Lan will really die, honestly. Nynaeve's Talent for Healing has done nothing but improve and progress. The constant reference to Healing everything except death, to my mind, means that she will eventually be able to bring anyone back from the very brink itself. One miniscule spark of life remaining and I believe she can Heal him. By doing this she will be able to Heal Rand after all is said and done. Once she does a thing, or sees a thing done - she has learned it. Besides, I read foreshadowing in the comment made by Elayne when she says Nynaeve won't be satisfied until she Heals someone 3 days dead. (Ahem, Rand. She will pull his butt out of T'A'R and slam it back into his body after the 3 on the boat business is done.)


    Anyway, IF Lan is the Broken Wolf, and he falls at the head of the Borderland charge it will break the people following him, so that does work, too.


    If THAT DAY is a more esoteric concept meaning a short time period, then my money is on it having been Hopper and his death heralding the change in Perrin required to fulfill his part of launching the Last Battle.

  2. I have so many favorite Lan memories - HE is one of my favorites. The first is in The Shadow Rising when Nynaeve is preparing to leave for Tanchico and he busts in with this great emotional scene and kisses her infront of Egwene and Elayne. You've got to love the Mashiara chapter where he rescues her from the balefire and she pukes on him. I also love the scene where Nynaeve leaves him in the Borderlands and goes to the inn and finds the Malkieri and says, "Will my husband ride alone?" More of a Nynaeve scene than a Lan scene - but still awesome for my money. Makes me cry every time. Another tear jerker for me is at the end of the ToM when he has all that interplay and conflict in his head and finally charges the Gap.

    For Moiraine, the story of Aemon in Emonds Field in tEotW - awesome. Her fighting any and all shadowspawn in the first book with the Power. Our first experience with it and so epic, so dramatic before we really understand the Power. Her dealings with Rand in the later chapters before the fight with Lanfear - remembering how she learned to control Saidar. And finally the battle with Lanfear - don't mess with tiny chicks, they will just come flying at you when you least expect it and take you down!

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