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Posts posted by DarkHallow

  1. I wouldnt limit the electives to just those few. I happen to know quite a bit about various styles of training that were used for warriors throughout time and all over the world that I would love to have Arturus teach one day. It would be a taste of our actual worlds history mixed with fantasy RP. Most people seem to limit themselves to sparring and forms mixed with a little exercise and there is so much more that can be brought in to flesh out characters.

  2. Arturus was relaxed to see Conor come in far more late than he was. He thought it was rather embarrassing that he was forced into the class by a screaming mentor but almost turned red when he recalled that he had nearly killed the teacher and a student with his own entrance. He grinned as the student was led to the front of the class and dubbed "Fairy Floss". Arturus knew that the nickname would stick well beyond the end of the class and would be a common taunt in the training yard.


    At the end of the class Arturus rose and stood in line to ask a question. With his best smile he asked "What can I do for extra credit?"


  3. Arturus was not concerned at all with competing with D'Ashan as Petra screamed at them. This of course was D'Ashan's fault. (There is a time and place for training but he just took it too far.) Arturus thought. After the cups were collected the two started at a run. Arturus noticed that they both ran at the same pace and were running side by side. He frowned that they had done a complete lap and both seemed strangely comfortable with it. It was a fast pace they were moving at so Arturus rethought it out. (Hes competing with me again...Cant this guy ever stop?)


    The two rounded their second lap and Arturus was tired of running beside him. He thought about tripping him on the run but didnt want to sink to D'Ashan's level. The sun was blazing over them still and Arturus was glad he had nearly drunk water until he was sick. The sun was taking it out of them both quickly. It would not be long before someone was losing their breakfast. Arturus grudgingly put up with D'Ashan running next to him. Ten laps became twenty and twenty became thirty before Arturus stopped counting. Finally Arturus turned towards D'Ashan. "Your not impressing anyone by trying to keep up with my running pace. So why dont you fall behind like all the others before you pass out. I will slow down so you dont fall too far behind if you wish."


    Arturus was only surprised for a second when D'Ashan quickened his pace. The competition was back on.

  4. Arturus set off at a dead run. It was way too much to do, in two areas that could not be more farther apart in all of Tar Valon. As Arturus passed one Inn he felt like he could go for a glass of wine, but he knew he did not have the time. Just then he heard a shout inside the Inn. "Free Wine for everyone!" Gritting his teeth he went on. He passed another Inn where there were musicians and dancing just as another trainee, a female he had been only admiring from afar, came out and tried to pull him in as her dance parter. Cursing under his breath he declined. On one corner he came across an Illuminator giving a small demonstration, but couldnt watch since he was pressed for time. He then passed by a bath house where he was asked by not one, but two women to join them.


    Finally coming down the street he needed to be on he realized it was crowded. People were not moving any faster mounted on a horse than those on foot and it was all at a crawl. Then a chest was dropped by two men trying to load it onto a wagon and a spray of gold coins littered the streets. There was a mad scramble as everyone rushed to pick up the coins. It did however, clear the street for Arturus to get through.


    Finally running up to the shop he was supposed to get the ink and quills from he read a sign on the door.


    "Closed for the week end."

  5. As the two took a break Arturus's dislike for D'Ashan came flooding out. He wasnt sure who started it but even as they walked to the water bucket it became a race. When they reached it with D'Ashan in the lead it became a contest to see who could drink the most water. Arturus was determined to wipe the smug grin off of D'Ashan's face for beating him to the water bucket. The two were almost bursting when D'Ashan set his cup down. Unable to go on. Arturus took the trophy smug grin then. D'Ashan just looked at him with a blank look on his face then turned away towards where another duel was going. As Arturus started to walk to some shady trees near by D'Ashan put one hand on the back of the lathe hanging on his side which raised the blade end of it in between Arturus's legs, tangling him up in it and sending him to the ground. D'Ashan turned and started to draw on Arturus. The duel was back on.


    Arturus was faster and he wasnt about to let D'Ashan gloat on an easy victory. He didnt bother going to a block. A quick swing of his own lathe behind D'Ashan's knees and he was soon on the ground with Arturus. Both rose at the same time and D'Ashan finished pulling his lathe and had his second out just as fast. (Racing to a water bucket and a water drinking contest are one thing but this... oh well, he just had a trick of his own.)


    Lathes met as both were dancing. Arturus had to admit that it was the best he had ever done before but D'Ashan was still meeting his skill. Arturus was a little disapointed he had not collected his throwing daggers when the two pushed back. D'Ashan  gave a swift kick to the water bucket sending the bucket at Arturus and the water contents of it at Petra who had ran up behind them. Arturus responded by swatting the two dozen or so iron cups at D'Ashan with his lathe and he did not understand a word D'Ashan was shouting over the "Ping!" of iron cups hitting him. A few however D'Ashan swatted back with his own lathes, although somewhat blindly and Arturus was curious why he heard the same "Ping!" noise behind him and a woman's cursing, not to mention louder cursing as a cup suddenly came up from the ground from  the female slipping on it slinging mud at D'Ashan as well as hitting him with the cup.


    When Arturus ran out of cups. The two stared at each other murderously.


    OOC I hope this is ok with you D'Ashan. I dont think your character tripped Arturus on purpose or with the intention of playing a dirty trick to restart the duel but it would seem natural for them to think the worst of each other. D'Ashan would not have drawn on Arturus when he was on the ground either but he would try to say get his lathe untangled from Arturus's pant leg or something which would not be noticed. I love how small things can be misconceived.

  6. Arturus shook his head. He had never actually seen any Shadow spawn. "I have seen the tracks of Dark Hounds and a male channeler, but that is the closest I have ever been." he didnt have much to add and the others who came from borderlander kingdoms looked at him as though he was not right in the head. (Was it something I said?)


    Sitting back in his seat he was glad when the next student spoke up.

  7. Arturus was stunned. Shaneevae was getting very open with her flirtations. Well there was no one within ear shot, but on the yard?! He quickly drank the cold water and regretted he did not have time for a couple more before he chased off after her. Catching up he said "Could I at least have directions to where this place is? Or for that matter do I need to bring a receipt or gold?"


    Shaneevae continued until they were once again out of ear shot. She looked him over a smile on her face and he looked her over, curiosity on his. He didnt care about his lack of a shirt or the other Aes Sedai looking at the two of them from a distance. He would never say it out loud but he learned that Aes Sedai could be as bad as the tower servants when it came to gossip, but they usually had a hidden agenda with every sentence spoken.


    Shaneevae appeared to be very pleased that he chased after her. He was not sure why, many chased after her. He was pleased to see that she was becoming braver with herself. He glanced only a moment at the gold chain with the claw of a lion hanging between her breasts and she noticed him looking. "Otherwise I might be out all night to gather this garment."

  8. OOC No its fine. We are trainees and are likely to be caught in all sorts of bad situations in sparring.


    Arturus rubbed his ear furiously. (In the ear?! Light why the ear?!)Arturus gave D'Ashan a squinted glance before taking up his weighted lathe again. The ear shot was a taunt he wagered. So there was another who wasnt afraid to learn a few tricks was there? Arturus nodded, mostly to himself. He learned dirty tricks because there is no such thing as honor when defending your life. If someone is trying to kill you, you must be willing to use every trick you can to survive. No one would call it dishonorable when a trolloc had dirt flung in his eyes after all.


    Arturus re engaged D'Ashan using all his strength now since D'Ashan felt that blow and knew he had been holding back for an advantage. It made the sparring a little more difficult and both began to sweat with the effort. Arturus swung many times and many times D'Ashan would twist and move and not be there. Both trainees began to gather welts but none could get a strike that would be a killing blow. Then came another strategy to Arturus's mind. D'Ashan liked to use two weapons, Arturus decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. Using a strong cross body shot that required D'Ashan to use both lathes to block Arturus pushed off the lathes, pushing D'Ashan back as well. His left hand had palmed two throwing daggers before the strike was even in motion and as D'Ashan stumbled back both training daggers went sailing towards him. D'Ashan looked up in time to see them strike his chest with a solid "Thud!"


    Petra called out "Point." as the two trainees glared at each other. Arturus could tell D'Ashan was not happy with him. Arturus himself admitted that he had not had too many challengers as good as D'Ashan and it was likely D'Ashan felt the same. Arturus summed it up to D'Ashan not liking to have his match met. Arturus was joyful that he had found a good challenge, but his glare at D'Ashan said otherwise.


    OOC I hope this is ok. Let me know if it needs editing.

  9. It had been a tough day of training. Arturus was bruised and beaten from endless sparring with D'Ashan. Arturus did not understand exactly why the two of them did not see eye to eye but they both respected the work out the two of them got for it. Arturus gave it thought. He did not like D'Ashan, he saw him as a bully in a way who fought as if Arturus were the Dark One himself, but Arturus respected that D'Ashan took the training seriously. Arturus in return fought back just as hard and both trainees were advancing quickly because of it.


    Today however Arturus took more than he was able to dish out. He grinned slightly as he walked away from D'Ashan. Arturus ended up with more welts than he could count but the few that he gave D'Ashan however were bleeding. A small thing, but enough to not make him feel like it was a total loss. Besides, they both had days were one would dominate the other. Arturus was just glad that today his mentor had other plans for him so the beating could not continue.


    He didnt make it to where his mentor told him to meet him however. He stood in line waiting for a glass of cold water, possibly to be followed by a dive in the cold river, he hadnt decided yet, when a cold glass of water was pressed on the back of his neck. He almost didnt want to turn to see who was holding it. He enjoyed the feeling of the cold on his hot skin for a moment before turning to see Shaneevae Sedai was the one holding. He grinned then caught himself. He bowed respectfully and looked up to catch her with a strange... almost insane glint in her eyes and a sheepish grin on her face. (She wants something.) he thought.


    With the trained words of a nobleman's son he asked "How may I serve you Aes Sedai?"

  10. Arturus was finally getting to the actual training to be a warder. He was trying new exercises and for where he was lacking and even a routine of flexibility exercises. Today on the yards he would be sparring with others on the yard who were his equal in training. Some were better than him and some were worse.


    He chose a weighted lathe to represent the bastard sword he usually used and had a leather gauntlet on his left hand to represent the thick plated gauntlet of a duelist. He had dulled and blunted throwing daggers on his person for when the opportunity struck and it had struck many times so far. The sun blazed over heard and only a cool breeze that passed over the river made training possible today at all. He had been assigned to Petra who was going to observe his matches with the others and give pointers to the students at the end of each match before they were all paired up again.


    Arturus grinned in a friendly way to the next trainee he was to face. He had never seen the student before and figured he must be new to the yards. The student wielded two lathes and seemed as comfortable with using his off hand as Arturus was at throwing daggers with his. Arturus inspected the trainee as he took his first stance. Doubtless the trainee was inspecting him as well as Arturus took a stance with his weapon in a sheathed position. At Petra's nod the two students engaged. Arturus did not use half his strength but half his strength was still stronger than most trainees at their level. The trainee's dual lathes were perfect for blocking such a move that had ended duels before. Arturus was glad to learn that.


    Grinning Arturus re-engaged the student and a flash of quick strikes ensued. Arturus was fast and strong, the other student fluid and graceful. Arturus used a bastard sword and the other trainee dual blades. They were opposites and the perfect match all at once. Arturus then decided to test how well the student took surprises. Drawing the lathe back and lightly gliding the surface of the sand with the  tip should have been a critical error in a duel. But not when the sand was the true strike. Arturus brought the sand up to the trainees eyes and blinded him, then with all his strength and speed struck him as hard as he could. The lathe landed with a solid "Clack!" and the wound began to bleed. Only Petra's voice saying "Point." broke the silence as the trainee engaged Arturus with new ferocity.


    OOC D'Ashan feel free to strike Arturus for a point of your own. Using whatever you feel would be D'Ashan's greatest strength against him. The strike Arturus landed was by using a dirty trick. He is not afraid to fight dirty and while he struck D'Ashan as hard as he could to help D'Ashan get used to pain it could be seen as a dirty trick used to get a point then an over used of force like a bully would do.



  11. Arturus raced down the halls to get to the class. He was going to be late he was sure. He was surprised to  walk into the class and see a Trolloc standing in the back of the room! With a snarl and a fierce look his sword went to his right hand and two daggers came to his left. He was about to throw the daggers as he charged in to leap off a desk. But the illusion dropped revealing Shaneevae and the daggers which he was already in the process of throwing instead went into the desk of the student he was leaping over, and a slight twist in the air and a foot barely catching a desk in time allowed him to change direction to a corner of the room. Landing in a heap and cradling his sword so as not to damage it no one except Shaneevae seemed to notice anything happened at all. He had not made any noise. Returning his sword to his scabbard and ghosting past the student who was unfortunate enough to have been sitting at the desk his daggers split, he wrenched a dagger out with only a slight creak. The student turned as he wrenched the second out and gave a look of shock and mild anger. Arturus gave his best smile and took a nearby seat.


    The others were introducing themselves so as soon as the others finished he said "I am Arturus Logres from Andor." Shrugging, that was all he had to say.


    OOC feel free to be the student who nearly got a dagger in the chest if you wish :)

  12. The weight seemed to flow off at Shaneevae's words. If she didnt feel he had taken advantage of her then that was good enough for him. His muscles however did not relax. She was still right in front of him. (This woman confuses me more than any I have met in my life.) He was not entirely sure what to say or how to take it. She wanted his touch. (Didnt she just ask me to turn away as she undressed?) Deciding to ride the storm out this time lack of understanding or no he answered. "Then my touch you shall have Aes Sedai."

  13. Arturus shook his head. His eyes were red in exhaustion since he did not sleep many hours the night before. His conscience heavy for the intimacy he shared with her before they went to sleep he knew he shouldnt have, and the burden of knowing that if he could do it again knowing what he knew now, he wouldnt change a thing. He felt wretched. When he returned to the yard tomorrow he would report to the Mistress of Trainees and say he committed a grave offense and ask for punishment. He didnt care if she saw his body.


    Sliding into the water he sighed. He had not had a warm bath since he left home. He had always bathed in rivers and now a hot bath seemed... well... hot. He was tense and felt like a coiled spring. He took her insisting that he turn around as yet another sign that what he had done was wrong. Logic would have said otherwise but it was out the window at the moment with guilt and worse still, desire. He still wanted to feel the curves of her body, to taste her again and touch her and go further than they had before with reckless abandon.


    (Healing starts with an apology in my case.) He was barely able to meet her gaze with the way he was feeling. His eyes were red. The storm inside had become destructive. "I am sorry Shaneevae... I had no idea your emotional state last night when I... did what I did to you. I should not have done it, and saying I didnt know is no excuse. I am only glad I realized when I did that you needed to heal before I took it farther."


    Facing the water now he continued. "I dont think I am good for you. Because even knowing that you needed to heal now, if I had known it then I wouldnt have changed anything. Given the chance I dont think I could stop myself at this very moment, and where would it lead? Tomorrow we go home. I am a trainee and relationships of an emotional or sexual nature with an Aes Sedai is forbidden until we are raised to Tower Guards. You would be alone again and all I could be to you is a friend, and I want to be that friend, but I dont want to be like the others and have a casual one night stand and risk it becoming something more for one of us, in that path there is only pain, and pain would destroy the friendship. I am a horrible person I realize Shannevae."

  14. Arturus woke with the dawn and tended to the horses. He started breakfast and practiced forms while it cooked. He finished up and washed up in the cold and overly swollen river. The storm was long passed but he felt it was inside him. He felt that he was that storm. A force of nature bringing renewal through destruction, life by trial, strength by survival.


    His senses were in overdrive today. He noticed details and took them all in. He saw the droplets of water on the leaves of the trees and bushes and glowing in the morning's light. He even managed to get his forms right this morning and found a tree with wild peaches growing to go with breakfast.


    When he returned to camp to finish breakfast Shaneevae ran out barefoot on the cold wet ground excited about the new name for her tree. Lionheart she had said, and naming it after what she thought of him. It was a nice gesture to know that he would not be forgotten by someone long after he was gone. She was wearing the claw he had given her, a claw from the very lion that his father raised, taken as a painful reminder by his father of the very lesson he taught her the night before. A lesson he knew himself all to well.


    The breakfast conversation consisted of planning for moving the rest of the trees. They would use the horse and wagon today saving time and Arturus's arms. He would drop the ashes of firewood around the roots after the planting to give them nutrients when the next rain fell, guaranteeing that they would be strong. Not a word was mentioned of the previous nights events. Not a word was said about it as they started working, all the while the conversation was casual. He didnt regret the loss of a night of love making one bit with the changes he saw in Shaneevae. He was only saddened that tomorrow they would return to their lives. She would be an Aes Sedai and he a trainee and contact would be risky and difficult without good reason. She noticed the one moment that the smile left his face as both were on their knees patting down soil around the roots of yet another tree. But just as quickly he smiled again.


    When the work was finished they walked back to the camp. Debating between the two of them with good humor on the finer points of the sometimes interesting and unidentifiable food the novices make in the kitchens. When they returned to the camp and darkness began to settle memories flooded him of the last time they stood in the camp at sunset. He was tired and wanted nothing more at the moment than to be on his back in his bed roll. However he had to bathe and eat still.


    "Well its time to bathe before it gets too dark." He said. He wasnt sure where his sudden shyness came back from but there it was. He stood silent as he reasoned out what it was that made him keep his distance.


    (We are going home tomorrow. She will find other guys, I will be on the yards alone again. But I also feel like I took advantage of her last night. I didnt know I was at the time, but that doesnt make me any less guilty.)


    "So I will see you here when you get back then?" as if he didnt know the answer...

  15. Arturus listened to Shaneevae intently. He realized that she had some soul searching to do before she would heal completely. There was plainly a stone on her shoulders she had carried so long that she did not know it was there. There would be no romance this night, and perhaps not ever. Arturus decided that at the moment, she needed an understanding ear more than a lover. They would not be allowed to have any sort of intimate relationship in Tar Valon and it would be him, not her that would be exiled if they did and were found out. He frowned to himself for a moment, obviously deep in thought.


    He sat silent for a minute thinking out his words carefully before he spoke. "I am your friend if you will have me Shaneevae Sedai. The Tower will not allow much more when we get back. I will be yours to help you however way you want until then. It is up to you how much you take advantage of what is freely offered. It is up to you how much you set foot out of your cage."


    He leaned in closer and embraced her. "But not tonight. Tonight is for healing." He picked her up and carried her to her cot. Wrapping the blanket around them both he held her tight from behind, both arms wrapped around her body. The rain pounded on the tent and they seemed in harmony with the storms embrace. He waited for her to nod off to sleep and before she did he whispered in her ear. "Sleep little lioness."


    As she slept he got up and went to his bag. Inside he found what he was seeking. A lion's claw on a golden chain. She didnt awake when he placed it around her neck. He curled up behind her again, holding her tight, he had to make sure to wake up first to make her breakfast.

  16. Arturus nodded. He understood in a way. "My father when he was a boy said he once found an abandoned Lion cub. It was sick and so the mother rejected it. But father took care of it and it grew healthy and tame. However it grew bigger than he was able to take care of, a wild lion can support its own meals but father's hunting was not bountiful enough. When the Lion became too hungry it finally ran away and gorged itself on the live stock of several farms, killing more than it needed and eating more than it needed. It was eventually hunted down and killed by my father's own hand. He said had he let the animal out to hunt for itself sooner, it would have been fine. But he kept it in and it became destructive."


    Arturus had a serious look on his face as he spoke. "If you say that these desires are inside of you. Ask yourself if you are still the sick cub and ok to suppress your instincts until you are well, or are you the hungry lion whom if not fed soon will become destructive to itself and others."


    Without realizing it Arturus started to massage Shaneevae's feet. "As for what you did with a trainee on the yard your secret is safe. As for locking me in your room and chaining me to your bed... dont threaten me with a good time."


    Arturus began to pay more attention to the massage he was working on. The fire inside was not gone but he knew he would have to distract himself until it was. He was glad it so cold, that would help. But he had to do his best to hide the fact that the lion inside him was starving.

  17. Arturus knew the rain was coming, he was just hoping it would wait awhile. He got to his feet and faced the sky and laughed loudly as the rain poured down his face and bare chest. Shaneevae however scrambled and made a full run for her tent.


    “My tent. We need to talk."


    He nodded, but she had pulled away. He would be a gentleman the rest of the trip. He threw on his shirt and looked around to make sure everything was secure. He replaced the lid on the stew pot and grabbed his pack and walked... more like hunched into the tent. He removed his boots before setting foot inside. Shaneevae had already wrapped herself in a blanket and he smiled up at her. He used his shirt to wipe off any metal on the various parts and things on his pack and then wiped off his boots before brining them inside.


    Shaneevae sat on her cot so Arturus took a spot in front of her on the ground, folding his legs under him. She seemed deep in thought and from the look in her eyes he wasnt sure it was good, so it was time to embarrass her to make her think good thoughts again. "You must eat a lot of fruits." Watching her blush he smiled knowing he had succeeded. "So you say we need to talk? Alright, you start."


    Patiently and with a its-going-to-be-ok look on his face he waited for the flood of words.

  18. Arturus was surprised and confused when  Shaneevae slid back a couple inches.


    “I am sorry.  I should not have let it go this far.”


    Arturus grabbed her bottom and pulled her back towards him. He looked up, passion interrupted with clear logic. He was not sure if he saw fear in her eyes but it was enough for him to try to ease her. She tried to pull away for a moment until she realized he had her locked in place. He touched her cheek with his finger tips as he looked her in the eyes. "Shaneevae... I will not hurt you as you have been hurt in the past. I am not that man. I will not forget whatever is done if you choose to proceed or not. The time we have had already means too much to forget as so many others who are able to sleep with a woman and move on to another. I am not that man either. There is a chance for you here and now to be happy for awhile instead of lonely. To overcome your fears and enjoy what creator has given you."


    He reached up and kissed her. Her eyes never left his until that kiss. He held her close in a hug and whispered. "Do not be afraid." He hoped that would be enough. If she pulled away again then he would know she was not ready and he would let her go. Calmly he kissed her and put both his hands under her shift pulling it off and laying her on her back on it, lifting her weight with ease.. He was gentle as he moved lower, fulfilling his promise.



  19. Arturus's heart raced. (She denied herself because she would want more.) It was getting colder outside, even with the fire, but Arturus hardly noticed as he placed a hand on her leg. It was enough to get her to turn and that was what he wanted. He smiled at her, to assure her it was alright. He felt her shake under his hand. Something inside him wanted to rip her clothes off but instead he was gentle as he caressed her leg and leaned in closer to her. Taking her chin in his hand  with their lips on inches from each other, he whispered. "Shaneevae... sometimes its ok to take advantage... of whats offered to you freely."


    Their lips met and his left arm went under hers as she went limp. His hand gently caressed her thigh though he was still respectful, but it was enough pressure to give a tickle and tingling sensation that would make her tremble if she allowed him to continue. The kissing continued, gently until the beast within took over and he pulled her close, immediately going back to being gentle when she was on his lap. He kissed her neck and caressed the curves of her body, she needed the courage to go on as much as he needed it to start. Every touch and light kiss was placed so to make fireworks in her head and butterflys in her stomach and below. Every movement he made to draw the primal side of her out to overcome any fear she might still have. When she tried to rip his shirt off he stopped to look at her, knowing he had succeeded. He gave his lips one last lick, his promise to her.

  20. At the mention of the Apple Brandy Arturus grinned and pulled out the bottle he had managed to obtain through certain wheeling and dealings. "You will be hard pressed to find a warder who does what I do unless he is Shienaran. For such a people who dont believe in peace because they have never had it they know how to treat their women. I myself am half and my mother made sure I kept up that part of my culture."


    He produced two mugs and filled them both half way, not knowing what she could take. He walked over and handed on to her and walked back to his place to start on his bowl of stew. Inside he was preparing to hear her reasons for holding back, he knew he was in for a let down, he just wished she didnt have to be so beautiful. It would be much easier were she not so attractive. The brandy was good for relaxing him and when he finished the first glass he was prepared to hear that she would sooner bed a dozen trollocs than kiss him. He made sure she was done eating before he brought it up.


    "So you promised to tell me why you held back... just for learning purposes. I hold no illusions that I meet your standards or anything so dont sugar coat it. I guarantee that whatever you say your reasons are I have heard worse in my days. But I have to learn from you on this because I dont want to have this conversation with the next beautiful woman I encounter. Its bad enough that one found reasons to hold back today."


    His heart raced. Such a simple thing for some to call someone beautiful but so difficult for him. Just the same he knew she would want to hear it. What woman wouldnt? He looked her in the eyes and smiled assuringly. She might be afraid she was going to hurt him. (She probably will.) He thought. But he would not show it. He would simply nod and change the conversation for a little while before retiring to his bed roll. He hoped it was not going to storm. He had used the canvas tent he had brought for himself to make a makeshift shelter for the horses. It was too far away for Shaneevae to see it and he did that on purpose. He would be in the rain and he didnt want her to pity him. Just the same he was sure the rain would fit his mood after this.

  21. Arturus felt the cold of the river and felt invigorated. It was nice after a hot day. It did nothing for his sore muscles but he would not show those when he returned to camp. He climbed out and made sure he was dry and slipped on the loose fitting long sleeve linen shirt. He didnt bother with the laces. He slipped into a pair of loose breeches, black like the ones he had worn earlier.


    He walked back to the camp and immediately set about making sure the stew was right. He had been punished to cook for the Mistress of Trainees for a couple months and so had more than a little skill, and a good supply of salt, garlic, and crushed pepper corns which he added to the thick stew. Already it was getting cold and his breath began to turn into frost. He was surprised it happened this early and this quickly. Thinking of the sudden drop with the days heat meant one thing, a possible storm, a big one too if it happened, but it may not happen at all if they were lucky. Just the same he took precautions with Shaneevae's tent and with the horses and supplies. He even went back to the trees to tie them off to strong poles of hastily cut wood. He then returned and finished the stew by adding a bit more salt and crushed pepper corns. The scent of garlic, rice, and chicken made his stomach growl. A few minutes later Shaneevae returned.


    “Is there anything I can do?”


    Arturus grinned. "If there was, what kind of help would I be?" Without a word when he was satisfied with the stews progress, he rose from the fire while pulling a few salves from his pouch and walked behind Shaneevae. Her shock only lasted a moment as he began to rub the soothing salves into her aching arms and shoulders. He used no salves on her back since her shift was in the way and instead used just his hands. When he gave her a good work over he sat across from her with the fire in between them.

  22. "My tactics?" he answered after a sip of water. He shook his head. "Not much there. I start with parrys and blocks to test the strength of my opponent, I find where the best place I know my strength and speed can take advantage and I surprise them with it. I know I am stronger and faster than most, my father oversees the training of the armies of Andor and he said so himself. But if that doesnt work than if any distance comes between myself and my opponent I use throwing daggers with my left hand. I have been playing with throwing daggers for as long as I can remember and my father made me learn to do it with my off hand for that reason. If that fails I can be dirty and use dirt from the ground which I sweep with the tip of the blade into the opponent's eyes or maybe a taunt to make emotion rule their actions."


    He took another sip and handed the skin back to Lyv.


    "I was going to try making a false opening to see if you could be lured in but never got a chance. I wouldnt be good at it anyways. Nor would it have done me any good since I couldnt hit the broad side of a barn. I dont have too many options. I am not good at feints or swinging the sword by any stretch. I cant parry or block well so I tend to want to dodge when I should parry or block. I am really... not that good at any of this..."


    Arturus lowered his head. He knew he had a lot of work ahead of him.

  23. “I hope you ate well, but most of all I hope you brought that water with you.”


    Arturus flashed a quick grin before setting the tools on the ground and handing one of the three water skins he brought with him. He walked over to the dogwoods and for a moment lost himself in examining them. Gently he caressed the leaves and bark looking for breaks and placed where the bark was scraped off by local wildlife. He frowned when he found a broken branch and thick as his thumb and the look on his face was as though looking upon a child with a broken arm. A look of sadness and concern. He quickly pulled out a strip of cloth he had cut in camp, as though time was running out, and  gently set the branch right and wrapped it thoroughly. Any parts that he found that were not right with the tree the same look of concern was upon his face as though tending to the wounds of his own child with touches just as gentle. Strange for a man who swings a blade meant to kill. Shaneevae inspected the work and smiled, amused at him though he ignored it and pretended not to notice. Searching every tree one more time he nodded, satisfied at his work.


    When he finished he asked "Have you decided where to move them?"


    Shaneevae nodded and led him up river. There were some rocky falls and a natural wall of earth which would keep the trees from some of the wind. Digging into the earth Arturus found the soil was black and lightly watered from the water bouncing off the rocks far enough in land to water the ground lightly. Even with an engorged river they would be protected by the rocks serving as a wall and a slight incline of the land. There were traces of clay in the soil that the trees would use, for what Arturus had not read far enough to find out. But you can grow trees in sand if the clay was there he knew. Shaneevae had picked a perfect spot.


    It took both of them to dig out one tree at a time because of how careful they were being not to damage the roots. Rather than wrapping them in burlap and moving them all at once Arturus moved one at a time, carrying the heavy plants and the dirt around the roots wrapped in the burlap was hard. He was a good sized man and thought of using the cart but he had already taken care of the horses for the day, so he had to use his own strength. Shaneevae actually looked like she felt sorry for him and gave him encouraging comments though he just returned them with a smile.


    By the time it was too dark to be able to see the roots and would start to get unsafe to bathe he stopped working.


    "I need to bathe." The look on Shaneevae's face said that she was surprised he had not stopped long ago and after all that he had done he didnt ask for breaks or food and rarely water. He just wanted a bath.  Shaneevae nodded and the two of them went back to camp, idly talking about the trees and planning the next day the whole way. When he arrived at camp he grabbed his hygiene equipment and checked the soup he had started that morning with just the smallest of fires which were now coals. It was cooking slower than he thought and they would have to wait. Shaneevae however seemed surprised he had started at all. He was starting to think she might be suspecting he was a house wife instead of training to be a warder. Tossing a few sticks in the fire he started towards the river, gear in tow.



  24. Arturus smiled as Shaneevae laughed. "You were imagining me huh? I would be a liar if I said I wasnt thinking of you in the same way or didnt enjoy the face plant, accident as it may be." He gave her the warmest smile he could, finally the embarrassment was gone. The whole situation was comical after all. He didnt notice as his shoulders slumped and he relaxed, he didnt even notice his arm as it rested lightly across her leg. Shaneevae was still laughing and he laughed a little himself. "I am glad you can laugh at this. I was about to die of embarrassment." Shaneevae stopped laughing. A smile across her red face and tears in her eyes. "Well you have made my year Shaneevae Sedai and given me one more good memory."


    He got the horses moving and added. "You dont need to dry off. It is quite warm in this heat and I am sure the moisture feels good. I wont look since it makes you uncomfortable."


    They sat in silence for a few seconds but he could still feel her eyes on him. A quick glanced showed she was still smiling and that was good. "Can I ask if you dont mind?... what you were thinking of... why didnt you do it?" Embarrassment settled on him again and he could not look at her. "Just for information purposes... if I knew what stopped you maybe I can make sure it wont stop the next woman."


    His voice settled into a quiet tone and his eyes glazed over as he was some place else for a moment. But barely audible to Shaneevae, though she wasnt meant to hear it, nor was he aware he was saying it out loud. "I wish you wouldnt have stopped yourself."

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