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About Morrip00

  • Birthday January 20


  • Member Title
    Just Another Fan

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  • Interests
    Science Fiction, Fantasy, Computing, Cycling, F1 and MotoGP.
  • Pronoun
    He / Him

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  1. Looking at that site I have to say I’m now in shock. I wasn’t aware the events of this series were so compressed, I was sure the timeline between the start of Book 1 and the start of book 4 was a few years. Will have to take this mentally into account as I read further.
  2. Thank you for that link.
  3. While reading book 4 I was suddenly struck that I’m not sure how long has passed in the “in world” timeline since the start of book 1 or other set starting point in the Third Age. Looking around I can’t see a timeline for the series. I’m assuming there has to be one about somewhere? I can find some that cover the publishing of the books and one that covers events in the first two books (more TV related) but nothing that covers the whole series. Ideally I’m after something that’s very high level and spoiler free like the Star Wars timeline.
  4. Thanks for the replies. Should have checked the website first! Can’t believe I missed the existing content. Wish I did have the time to re-read books 1 to 3 to refresh my mind.
  5. Hi, I'm new here, first post after signing up with an account to the site so apologies if this is answered elsewhere, I haven't had a chance to look. I'm about to start reading WoT Book 4 in a next few days (just finishing off my current book first) but it's been a while since I read book 3. Is there a good source to refresh my ageing memory as I understand there is no recap at the beginning of book 4 to do so. Thank you in advance.
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