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  1. Season 2, Episode 7 intro and flashback are some of the best 5 minutes in television ever. Tigraine and Tam al'Thor given life like the book simply couldn't. I have watched that scene 50 times.
  2. Because you will NEVER get a remake that is better if you don't show support. The 1980s Dune movie was ok, it got a new update because we all watched the old one a hundred times.
  3. There are 14 books and some of the best parts are even in books 8-11... I read slow and have bad eyes so have them all on Audible now. Lest you forget how epic the moment in book 11, " Matrim Cauthon is my husband, Matrim Cauthon is my husband, Bloody Matrim Cauthon is my husband". 🙂
  4. To do the story in full and true to the events of the book, it would be animated and not live action. Then it could be 14 full length animated movies. An epic.
  5. In the show I am watching season 2 ended at Falme... yea Matt had the Ashandarei spear but made from the Ruby Dagger Padan Fain should have still been holding to slash Rand at the meeting with Carheinen rebels... that does not supercede Callandor but does mess with the twisted doorway tripping for Matt and his memories.
  6. Not even Moghedien? Don't want to see the Aeil in their full numbers? C'mon man! We need to get at least through to Callendor and the Car-a carn.
  7. Robert Jordan provided additional content in Dragon Magazine #6 so saying he did not like the D20 game is bull. He also did a big signing for the RPG and books in Seattle when it came out.
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