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    Mythology, mythopoesis, photography, travelling
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  1. Greetings to one and all! I, just like everyone here, am a fantasy enthusiast. I am also a PhD research scholar working on mythopoeia- Tolkien, to be specific. Well, I was at least. And then I chanced upon Jordan's The Wheel of Time. Will probably have to adjust my work to fit in Jordan now... When the trailer to the Amazon series came out in 2021 amid reports of their attempt to counter HBO's The Game of Thrones, I was very sceptical of the narrative and didn't really find it engrossing enough. In my mind, none could surpass Tolkien's work. A week back, when I came across a WoT reference, I finally took a dive into Jordan's world and to say that I was mistaken in my presumptions would be an understatement. WoT, from whatever I have gathered so far, seems like a rich and well-constructed mythopoeia with deep philosophical undertones. Since the books I ordered haven't arrived yet, I watched the first season and now it seems that I have 14 new books to read. ASAP. I'm loving every bit of it! Looking forward to interacting with the members of this community, learning more about that fantastic world and contributing in whatever way I can! Love and regards, SalazarElessar
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