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Posts posted by caralampio

  1. I'm very disappointed with the last book. I mean to wait 23 years through 13 volumes to arrive at this bittersweet conclusion. Worst is, the ugly ending takes away any interest I could have in re-reading the series, unlike others like the Lord of the Rings were the ending is epic and satisfying and I never tire of reading it again.


    First, the book lacks plot. It feels like an endless description of battle after repetitive battle. Halfway into the volume I was sated of charging trollocs and channelers ripping each other apart. I wonder why it took so long to write. You could resume it in a paragraph.


    Then the last battle between Rand and the Dark Lord, one would expect something more dramatic, but it boils down to a pissing contest "my dream world is better than yours". Hmph.


    And after so many adventures and troubles, one would like to have more of the heroes you have come to love survive and live happily ever after. Half of them die or are maimed. Very tragic, and very unsatisfying. 


    And Rand's fate. Well the big mystery will he survive the Last Battle or not was finally solved. But with Moridin's body (saa and all) and with Mat's mindset? Better off dead.


    And the worst, that horrid Tuon comes out on top of everything, not humbled at all, not having learned anything, still capturing damane and enslaving people, with her army intact because it was held in reserve during all the battle, with every prospect of taking over the world with all the nations spent and virtually no Aes Sedai or Ashaman left.  

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