Hello again!
As Min had said, in one fashion or another "point to to the bad, and there is good."
The Wheel if time is all about Balance as we all know.
For every good there is an evil, but the truth applies the other way.
Myrddraal were created to fight for the Shadow. A being of Maggot white skin, that somehow dissappear in the Shadow.
But what other characteristics are there of Myrddraal that make them stand out?
Well, the wind does not touch them for one, cloaks remain still in a breeze. The are often seen riding a horse weilding a wicked black sword.
Their eyes are missing only showing their mouth. The look of the eyeless is... (well was it death or fear? I forget the quote) Taller than most.
I think that is a rough sum of a Myrddraal. If anyone has any guesses yet of the lights Balance of such a creation, now is your chance to think to yourself and come up with the answer?
Here goes.
Who rides no horse? Who vanishes in the daylight? Dark, sun-kissed skin? Never known to ride a horse?
Won't touch a sword? Covers everything other then their eyes when they kill? Who does not fear death?
Almost point for point the Aiel counter the Myrddraal.
The one point above all that made me come to this conclusion was the fact that a Myrddraal cloak was never touched or stirred from the wind.
What an odd detail? Yet so strongly enforced. But what is the balance? The wind? ..... the wind?? What could be the opposite of a Mrydrall?
Then is dawned on me.
The way of the Leaf
The leaf lives its appointed time, and does not struggle against the wind that carries it away. 🍃
Bonus: Feel free to add your own balances to the list. Nakomi to Shaidar Haran for instance.