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Posts posted by Jimmyr90

  1. On 7/6/2020 at 9:04 PM, dssharp said:

    I think Faile was one of my least enjoyed parts of the series almost throughout.

    Why because she's strong, argumentative and has a big nose? Egwene and the others with the ring thinking they know better than everyone else was the least enjoyable thing about the series. They repeatedly proved they were incompetent yet thought they always knew more and were better than everyone else. I personally loved faile the whole series and they did a great job casting Isabella to play her starting in S3

  2. On 4/20/2020 at 3:46 PM, MayEastRise said:

    I think Berelain could be cut without changing the plot much. She doesn’t have much impact on the plot and when she does it could be argued to be some of the worst moments in the series.


    This whole rivalry with Faile was one of my least favorite parts of the series and there isn’t really a point to it in my opinion. Every reader knows that Perrin won’t cheat on his wife and there isn’t some grande resolution that justifies wasting so much time on her. Add to that that much of this happens during the hostage plot which is also one of my (and many other people’s) least favorite parts and I think cutting Berelain might the show better.


    What do you people think of this?

    Hmmm you don't remember the books very well because berelain never tried seducing peeing while failed was held captive by the aiel. Also if you cut out berelain you cut out a whole nation and the main reason alliandre swears fealty to perin and rand. Not to mention if you cut out the whole captivity of faile you cut out the fall of savanna and that group of aiel not to mention you cut out morgase being with perin which leads to the trial of perin once galad finds them.  You can't cut out multiple nations, the fall of the evil wise one and galad meeting berelain his eventual love interest and wife unless we're going to completely change the source material. They already did it wrong having min be a dark friend, the heroes of the horn, Matt getting the old memories completely cutting out the ter'angreal and aviendha being completely wrong from the way she's described in the books... I get Hollywood is on the agenda of casting people color in staring roles but to completely change the appearance of a character is just wrong. 

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