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Posts posted by zorro

  1. On 4/6/2023 at 7:41 PM, Asthereal said:


    It's quite spread out over the forum, but here's the main stuff:

    -Gathering Storm ups the pace about twofold, which is a bit jarring at first.

    -Sanderson missed the mark with Mat.

    Everything else is actually surprisingly spot on, for the most part. Both Rand's and Egwene's voices work, and their arcs rock. I personally realy loved the Ituralde bits as well. That character has such a nice clear view on stuff, he's a pleasure to follow.


    I knew the differences would be there, but after reading the first 50 or so pages I breathed a sigh of relief: Sanderson was on the right track for sure. And onwards from there the story just kept getting better. Gathering Storm is one of my faves, actually.

    New member here, started the series 30+ years ago and just finished or the first time a couple weeks ago.


    I wanted to make a specific point about the pace that Asthereal mentions quickened up with Sanderson.  Somewhere around Crossroads of Twilight, whenever I started a new book, I took a sheet of paper, skimmed the books, wrote the narrators for each chapter, and used that as my bookmark.  I found this useful because I knew when to expect a good breaking point.  I noticed in the Jordan-authored books, you would frequently get several chapters in a row from the same narrator, or alternating two (The Shadow Rising might be the main exception to this).  With Sanderson, you rarely got more than two chapters in a row with the same narrator.  He was constantly shifting things up.  I think that helped get that feel of a quicker pace.  (Not sure if I liked that, it was definitely good for the last book, but I tended to appreciate Jordan's focusing on one person for an extended period.)


    (Also, I agree his missed the mark with Mat!)

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