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Posts posted by akaacer

  1. Spoilers below. 



    Rand being cut off from the source, is that really a reward? It's mentioned and reinforced many times throughout the books how awful it is to have channeled and then be cut off. It causes a depression so deep that people lose the will to live. It doesn't sound like much of a reward for someone who has sacrificed so much to restore balance to the Universe.


  2. I agree with most of the comments. Someone mentioned that if you've read other fantasy its a bit jarring as the first few books didn't quite seem to fit the mold, but on re-read it's much better. I didn't like TDR until the end as it felt slow and nothing was happening.


    Relationship development between the characters was a bit irritating at times. The Edmond fielders grew up together and most of the time they're so mean to each other that you forget they should be family. This is especially jarring when they are seperated and catch up together after weeks and months, you would expect warm receptions before the bickering starts. The way they interact and their thought bubbles describes their feelings, I was not sure if they should be enemies or childhood friends. I felt their should've been more balance between in the dialogue where we have more moments of camaraderie vs hostility. 


    Moraine was a travelling companion, so I was expecting a closer relationship, a more softening, a more familiar relationship between the main characters and Moraine as the story progresses, but it always seems she's at an arm's length to the main characters. This is in contrast to Lan and Thom which whom we see develop close relationship to the main characters (to the boys anyway).


    The Women and Men go from really loving and soft towards each other to just plain nastiness, and there's no inbetween where they're just working together. Matt and Rand needed to drop their suspicion (hatred) of Aes Sedai much earlier after receiving so much help. For example how can you be so mean and callous towards someone after they've just healed you or risked their lives to save you.  Its like neither sex trust each other, which is in contrast to what I believe is the main theme, ying and yang. The balance between opposites. 


    The first 3 books could've been condensed into 2.

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