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Wise One Yenna

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News item Comments posted by Wise One Yenna

  1. I wonder where the limitation of 8 or 9 seasons came from. Does anyone know? I think 10 would give the show enough time to hit on the important points while consolidating some things and reducing the amount of time spent on unnecessarily drawn out plot lines. 

    With the exception of the finale, I am quite pleased with the show so far. And I am willing to give the finale a lot of leeway after learning about the shitstorm that they were forced to deal with, including the devastating blow of losing one of the primary cast members. I am honestly struggling to understand why so many other book readers are so insistent on being so hard on the show. As far as fidelity goes, S1 stuck to the books VERY closely compared to most book to screen adaptations, again excepting the finale, which was understandable. 

    It’s obvious that MANY things will have to be changed, whether because of logistics, time constraints, budgetary constraints, or the fact that some things just don’t translate from the written word to the screen. There’s a reason that it’s taken so long to get a screen adaptation of this series. It’s DAMN hard to do! But the entire writing and production team are doing their best to tell the heart of the story, going so far as to hiring Maria, who knows every aspect of the story every bit as well as RJ did, to make sure that they tell the story correctly as much as possible. They check every single change with her to make sure that they can make it work with the story as a whole. They also have Harriet closely involved in decision making processes. As production and writing teams go, these are genuinely trying their best!

    My main wish is that they get approval to extend the seasons to 10 episodes, because it’s probably not realistically possible to introduce the necessary lore in an understandable way with such short seasons while simultaneously having to consolidate plots and characters. 

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