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Posts posted by Jimmyboro

  1. I cant stand him.


    As a character on either side, I honestly feel that his entire arc (and all the sub arcs leading from it) could be removed (or even skipped) and it wouldnt affect the story at all.


    All the others from EF have distinct and specific arcs that lead them and others to TLB, but even with 'dealing with the prophet' section could be left out, chasing his missus all over randland doesnt further the story and if anything distracts from it.


    The only reason I noticed this was when he is on his 'Honeymoon' and is left out of an entire book (almost)  and on my 3rd/4th readthrough every time I got to a new chapter with 'Perrin sighed cos his missus was being bloody horrible to him again' I would sigh and skip pages until it quit.


    Ive said this before to friends who read the books, but not many agree.


    What do you think? Could Perrin be deleted from the story to make it better?

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