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Ken H

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Posts posted by Ken H

  1. I know the Wheel of Time books; I have read them many, many times. 

    I understand the real world evolution of the Wheel of Time saga; I have followed it for decades on the web.  

    I love the Wheel of time books; it is by far my favorite series. 

    Dear Readers, make no mistake, what Amazon has created is NOT Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time. 


    I will grant that some of the first three WoT episodes had a few tidbits from the early chapters of the first book, but for the most part the entire Amazon WoT TV series is a complete fabrication.


    So, what's the difference between HBO's GoT and Amazon's Wot?  HBO's GoT series followed the books, almost exactly.  The story line, the character's personality, even most of the dialog came directly from the books.  Amazon's WoT series simply did not.  HBO understood that to re-write and "improve" upon the GoT story was a fool's errand.  I guess Amazon believed they could "improve" upon Robert Jordan's genius.  They were wrong.

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