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Posts posted by frolly

  1. 2 hours ago, KakitaOCU said:

    As for Captain America, that was a deconstruction too.  He was only the perfect hero so long as no one crossed what he personally defined as good.  There's a reason he's the wrong side of Civil War despite his "Win" at the end.  There's a reason Chris Evans openly states Cap is being selfish and "wrong" (quotation marks inserted by me since this is subjective). 

    The only reason he ends up back on the "Right" side is because a global catastrophe kills literally half the population and destabilizes the government.  Then when that stability might be coming back he bails to go have his own life deciding he's done enough good.


    I think this explains why most of your responses on this forum (defending the show at least) have rung false to me since becoming a recent lurker. You're Team Stark and that's your right but your viewpoint of the world and your interpretation of people's motivations and actions is very different from mine.

    1 hour ago, KakitaOCU said:

    "Last on Civil War (go ahead and rebut if you wish, but I will let it drop from here, two posts from me is enough for off topic) the debate of Civil War is "Do first responders have accountability to those they protect and serve?"  And the answer is definitely yes."

    FYI NPR (Radiolab) did a segment called No Special Duty that established that police officers actually don't have a legal obligation to protect and serve (not sure about other first responders)



    p.s. to get back on topic, I enjoyed parts of season 1 but overall was disappointed at the lack of production quality, sloppy writing/editing/pacing, and generally how boring most of the episodes were. Episode 8 was...an interesting interpretation.  Took an informal survey of non-book reader viewers this week and only 50% finished the season and those who did were not impressed. Hoping for a better season 2 but certainly not paying for it.

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