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News item Comments posted by d3L3373d

  1. Honestly the entire season feels like less talented writers trying to "improve" an already amazing story. Character's were stagnant and shallow, and the coolest moments from the novel were either changed for the worse, ignored or the point of events happening a certain way were just plain missed. It seems to be another example of screenwriters adapting a story and not respecting the original creators work.


    I mean, let's face it, if they were as talented as Robert Jordan they would have created their own epic fantasy series, but they aren't, and their choices for storytelling show that.


    Budget is barely an excuse as well... they spent massive amounts of money on this show.


    Casting changes as an excuse? They don't explain away the messing with beloved characters right from episode one. If I was the actor playing Matrim I would have bailed so fast.


    Effects being difficult as an excuse? Animating the last Nym would not be groundbreaking CG, The Eye of The World pool of purified power is literally only a glowing silver pool, Loial have animatronic ears would take an FX Artist or CG Artist less time than building one of the houses they burned down in the first episode.


    In summary: It plays out like poorly written, low budget fan fiction, and misses the point of the story.

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