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Anthony Hooks

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News item Comments posted by Anthony Hooks

  1. I was so excited to finally have WoT on the screen until I saw it. Opening scene, I was stoked. Two Rivers looking very two rivery, then Perrin with a wife....pause.....WTF??? Paden Fain, I'm like ok, no Thom......pause....WTF??? Ok escaping Shadar Logarth with no Thom, no Rand and Mat learning the flute or juggling going village to village AND no Camelyn in sight.....pause....WTF is going on??? NO ELYAS MACHERA???? oh HELL NO!! how can Perrin become a wolf brother without Elyas?? Shall I go on? The inconsistencies keep building up. Loial not meeting the Green Man and singing his tree so the blight wouldn't over take him, Moiraine taking only Rand to the eye of the world..Rand not fighting Aginor at the gap, but 5 ladies linked fighting in the gap.

    I've been waiting 30 yrs for this show, I would rather wait a few more just so they can get it right. I could easily see 9 seasons at 12 episodes a piece so why the rush? 

  2. Hello Rafe, I have a question. Why were there so many changes done to the story? I and thousands of fans have been waiting for 30 years for this story to be shown on film and this is what we get? This story is fantastic the way Jordan wrote it. You all have taken it and rewrote it, it's not even the same story. The excuse that it has to be adapted doesn't hold. Here is one example of what I'm talking about, Perrin's eyes are not yellow and he isn't talking to the wolves. You all had him meet the tuatha'an without Elyas Machera, who is his wolf brother mentor, being there. Why would you do that? He isn't the Hulk! His eyes don't change when he's angry or him being beaten by whitecloaks. I don't know if you read the forums or if you care but you have made THOUSANDS of people very upset. I don't know if I want to see a 2nd season if this is what you all have done to the Wheel of Time. 

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