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Posts posted by AcaelusKylar

  1. I have always been a big fan of actually reading rather than audio books but last couple of years I’ve gotten into audio books massively, I own copies of the whole series but I find I have a lot more time to listen than read these days and desperately wanted to listen to the whole series. RP does an amazing job, my concern is that it’s just a publicity stunt and she isn’t doing the others too, I would love to see some actual reassurance that she is also doing the others.

    I just can’t stand the terrible quality or the voice of the current audio books (Kramer etc) I’m sorry to the fans of their work but after listening to Steven Pacey narrate for Joe Abercrombie’s work, or Michael Page do the Malazan Book of the fallen you just can’t compare, listening to those guys have spoilt me for other audiobooks because they do it so well, and to me, RP brings a similar level of skill and makes the books a joy to listen too. (Def agree with the hypnotic comment- don’t listen at night or you will nod off and that’s not a criticism it’s that her voice is so lovely!)

    Really just want that confirmation that she’s doing the other books too

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