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News item Comments posted by Gherrick

  1. I can appreciate this adaptation for exactly what it is. Consider the need to take so many threads and plotlines and condense them sufficiently enough that you can still tell the same main story. Consider that a large percentage of the story was told via internal monologue, and how difficult it is to translate into a visual medium. Consider that the target audience includes both those very and unfamiliar with the books. I appreciate than Harriet and Brandon are involved, if not always heeded.


    Yes, I do disagree with some of the background changes made. Still, I can enjoy what was done, and none of the changes so far have left me so emotionally scarred as to flag this adaptation as an utter failure after just 3 episodes...


    I do think everyone involved are trying to do right by RJ, and it saddens me to see so much of his fanbase being dismissive or outright hostile to this adaptation. I'm glad that the showrunner acknowledges that it will take at least 8 seasons. I still see enough of the original source to support letting it thrive until completion. Personally, I would LOVE it if the showrunner could address some of the plot threads left unfinished by the books. 


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