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Gothic Flame

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  1. I've declined to accept the somewhat blatant rationalizations that some make to defend what I saw in season 1 as "watchable." In any case I just ignore its existence, which is easy to do since I don't know of anyone around me, friends, family, co-workers, that watch it. Haven't bothered with season 2...and life is good.
  2. Culture. In many situations an Altaran woman has the right to kill a man unquestioned. Knives and swords are an important part of Altaran life. Both men and women fight duels over trivial disputes, often with fatal results. Altaran women carry marriage knives, which serve both as a formal way to broadcast marital status (its color and decorations describe marital and motherly status), and an easy method of disciplining their men.
  3. Doesn't sound to me that the books were the issue, more so than someone wanting to make an issue of the books. *shrugs* The person that did most of the editing was Jordan's wife. So..
  4. That's a damn good question. I can only think it's the way that women dominate almost every aspect, especially the nations.
  5. I find it difficult to believe anyone can be an anti-feminist and a "bookcloak."
  6. Was what he responded to deserving of more? I myself got a chuckle out of the "prioritizing character development" myself.
  7. I think Sanderson felt he had to clear the air and come firmly to the side of the "bookcloaks."
  8. If it's given the DnD movie treatment, I'm all for it. If it's given the Wheel of Time treatment, then hell no!
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