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Status Updates posted by Clara

  1. Jen. Where are these topics and threads? While I’m a bit put off by the changes I do understand the story all together is so vast. The characters so vast. And any series/film has a budget. Which is why I stated my view, My observation and thoughts. While ending with. I’ll keep watching. Yet this hit home or a nerve as you locked it. Alright above said of understanding I’m not offended. Here is something else. Episode 1 encompasses not just a chapter but more than a book and lacks insight, explanation and several changes to mains that you must understand the confusion for not just those of us who read his books but new fans who are absolutely lost without the background given. That said. Again while the sex and language is complete opposite of what he wrote , “flaming mothers milk in a cup! “ I get sex and modern foul language sells o.O Tam would box Rand’s ears for sure! You do you. And realize I wasn’t nay saying. Just wondering and hopeful the other MAIN characters would come into play at some point. Within budget of course. The wheel weaves as the wheel wills. Good luck to you. 

    At least give Elayne her misguided swears. Halarious! In the books….

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