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Posts posted by Cigma

  1. I never really got why Mat was so over the moon for Tuon in the first place.


    If it hadn't been ordained that he would marry the daughter of the 9 moons, realistically from what we knew of Mat and his attractions, Tuon would have held absolutely no appeal at first glance. 


    I actually don't mind the Seanchan, it's the Tuon romance that seems so manufactured and contrived.

  2. If Jordan had taken 5 % from Rand and Mat's singing for their supper, and allocated it toward the ending push, it would have made a significant difference. I'm on my second reread of the series and while I do see some very deep foreshadowings, the ending pacing is definitely jarring compared the the leisurely and flowery descriptions for much the book.


    And it does feel like Jordan ran up against a deadline or page limit... and didn't want to, or it wasn't feasible, or he lacked the experience and skill at the time, or didn't have a clear picture enough direction, to revise it properly.


    I used to compete in weekly writing contests, and sometimes I'd start off amazing, then get stuck or busy, and then would have to finish the piece in 2 hours. 

  3. I had the same situation with a friend.

    Some people just aren't used to heavy description and world building.

    But also my pal is the type to read every single word.

    Haha, so you can see how that'd be a lethal combination for someone trying to read Jordan, especially if we built up an expectation for them.

  4. Well it worked for the books...


    How many different PoVs did Jordan utilize? 


    Seems like it would have the same sort of affect, seeing the story through different eyes.


    * this did make me think though... if anyone read the Hunger Games series, how since it was mainly shown through character thoughts, that when it was adapted to the movies they felt hollow and weak... 

    It might have the opposite affect when it comes to Elayne's arc to become the Queen of Andor.

    In Winter's Heart the first half of the book was the first time I ever actually had real problems getting through one of the WoT books. And it was entirely due to how Elayne would just go on and on with her vapid (obsessed with her own elegance) thoughts. It should make for some exciting television though, the fight for the Lion Throne.

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