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Posts posted by FloydPepper

  1. Absolutely loved this episode.  Already watched it twice.  While I have not had a problem with the changes so far, there are three that I question, and they all seem to revolve around Leandrin, one from the first episode and two from the new one:


    1.  E1: Leandrin's description of how when men touch the source, they dirty it.  My only issue here is that it seems to ignore the Saidin/Saidar distinction.  When men hold saidin, they feel the taint, but it is only when Aes Sedai become bonded to Asha'man that they really experience that or even what Saidin feels like. In other words, as far as her own experience goes, Leandrin has never felt "dirtied" power because male channelers don't affect her experience of Saidar.  I get that she could just be being overly dramatic here, given Reds' distate for make channelers.


    2.  E4: didn't get why Leandrin was so upset (like believably upset) about Logain killing one of her sisters, given what we know about her?


    3. E4: how did they know they could gentle Logain without 13 Aes Sedai there?  Totally OK with them abandoning that dumb rule altogether, but at this point in the books, didn't they still think 13 was necessary?


    Again, minor things.  Love the show so far!

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