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Status Updates posted by Terez

  1. Rule #87 of the internet: If someone makes a longpost with tons o quotes, inevitably someone will quote the whole post for a 1-line response

  2. Rush Limbaugh fallout, wingnut translation: "Now [Obama] is openly going after the media and free speech."

  3. See, there's a reason I don't post in threads like this. @Theoryland http://t.co/esaqnIVu

  4. Semirhage's alias, Anath, was known for her role in the death and resurrection of Baal.

  5. She is the ultimate cougar. @AprilDMoore #ASILF

  6. Sleeping naked with my book tonight. Wait, did I say that out loud? No? Good thing.

  7. So there is another slight delay on the interview database. It won't be up today like I promised, but hopefully within a couple of days!

  8. So what if Gawyn kills Rand, and Rand's soul merges with Moridin's, and then Moiraine balefires first Gawyn and then Rand? :)

  9. So, @Theoryland just made a very helpful change on the tag lists. WoT/Brandon tags now in columns! @17th Shard http://t.co/CBCbwaFa

  10. So, there's some dude on Dragonmount telling me about how Malcolm's Razor shows my Sorilea theory is weak. lol.

  11. So, we're having a @Theoryland roll call again. Are you 'here'? http://t.co/JYcRcuVt

  12. Someone reviewed an unfinished story of mine today, told me they liked it, added it to watchlist, and then asked me NOT to finish it. Wat?

  13. Sometimes logic just doesn't do the trick.

  14. Speculative family tree for Rand, Elayne, etc. @zemaille @MariaLSimons http://t.co/GJIuV82R

  15. Thanks to @shillstr for getting his buds to translate these Russian interviews with RJ. Beautiful job! http://t.co/hxL0P3Tw Will enter later

  16. Thanks to Harry Potter, 'umbridge' is now a popular misspelling for 'umbrage'.

  17. The Foretelling was in Nynaeve's POV so we don't know her reaction, but Elayne grew up with Elaida and knows what a Foretelling looks like.

  18. Theorylander Great Lord of the Dark is blogging his #wotrr - check it out! http://t.co/KajvH72R

  19. Theorylanders are just really strange sometimes.

  20. There could be a billion and one keywords, if it's a WoT clue in WoK. It doesn't have to be a name...could be something more vague. #wotgh

  21. There is a particular person at the reread with certain mental deficiencies. I should probably just ignore that person, huh?

  22. Thread @dragonmount: ASILF. It's like MILF, but for Aes Sedai. Apparently. This person's choice? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Cadsuane.

  23. Turns out that 'acclimatised' is the Queen's version of 'acclimated'. Who knew?

  24. Twice now I have accused @Theoryland of avoiding me when I actually had my AIM signed off.

  25. Was doing the day person thing rather well all week, but I seem to have blown it now. The missing hour didn't help.

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