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Posts posted by Magoose

  1. I am currently on book 8, and can say that so far..... I hate every woman in this series except for Min with a passion that burns hotter than the sun. 

    I understand that this is supposed to be a matriarchy instead of a patriarchy.... But c'mon.  Every, single, woman, treats men like they aren't human.  Not just in public, in private too.   Does anyone really believe that in our real life society there is not a single guy who treats women well?  Or at least thinks that rape is a bad thing.  Spoiler warning:

    The way Elayne and Nyneave treat Mat in book 7 is so bad I had to put the book down for a year.  Not to mention when I came back to the book, Tylin rapes Mat at knife point.  Mat eventually breaks down and tells Elayne... And she laughs at him.  Then goes and tells all of her friends.   And then, they all see Tylin doing it again, and just walk out of the room. 

    I think Elayne has the worst character of any character I've ever read that I'm supposed to like. I hate her. 

    I also like Birgitte

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