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News item Comments posted by Tamyrlin

  1. Hi Despothera,


    This topic is a difficult one for me because I feel I will be as disappointed with it as I was with how Asmodean turned out, but I'm not convinced by any of the theories out there are far as to his identity...I should rectify that very soon if I want to have a final shot at Theory Glory before the end. Along these lines of thought, I was recently rereading Chapter 31 from Towers of Midnight and it made me laugh out loud when I read, "about mysterious deaths, or not so mysterious ones" when describing the kinds of discussions that take place at The Dusty Wheel. I tend to think of that sentence as a nod to the many arguments we've (the fans) had over the last two decades regarding the identity of Asmodean's killer and other such mysteries.


    With that being said, I've never been fond of Linda's "Taim is Moridin" theory. However, she very well could be right, because it is less complex than many other ideas I've either had or read over the years. I tend to enjoy and support the fun theories over what I consider to be boring ones such as Taim as the 14th Chosen, and Taim as Be'lals Protege. I'm a sucker for the ideas where fans take it beyond the usual suspects. Unfortunately, it typically turns out to be a usual suspect.


    I remember back in the late 90's supporting the concept that Taim is Taim is Evil. In essence, he is the Demandred of this Age. I'd even accept trained by Ishamael. But in writing this I realize now that I've gotten to used to considering and reviewing theories about Taim without taking a firm "Lanfear Killed Asmodean" stance.


    I wish RJ just went for a pure lie and Taim turned out to be Demandred...if that happened I don't think I could stop laughing. But it won't.

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