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Posts posted by mindtoast

  1. there are lots and lots of simalarities between Wheel of time and Stephen Donaldsons Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever.


    In both:


    At the beginning of time, the Creator sealed the bad guy inside time and he wants to bust out.

    a normalish guy realises he is the saviour of world, he has potential for huge magic.

    Lots of mini-quests and journeys of discovery trooping around the land.

    Both have a Giant race. In both, the giant race are great workers of stone and live longer than people.

    Worlds have long, detailed history and geography, including both having a breaking of the world, which was caused by a wise-leader-who-crazy-guy.

    A sub-race of dour, really tough guys who fight with their hands and feet who come from a region of the land that is somehow harsh and character building. In the prior age, prior to the wise guy going crazy and breaking the world, these tough guys used to serve the wise-guy-who-went-crazy and somehow 'failed'.

    In both series, there is a region of the world / land that is corrupted by Dark Guy / Lord Foul the Despiser, including warped animal and plant life. And in both theres big nasty worms. Donaldsons its a water-dwelling wormy though.

    In both the evil guy at some point inhabits a big scary mountain.

    Relics from prior ages do cool stuff.

    In both the journey starts a village, and the hero is guided by a chick, and there is a bad guy (also from the same village) who tails them (ie padan fain)

    Big evil guy has a select gang of stooges with strong evil powers (ie Forsaken  / Ravers)



    In short, I've always felt that Jordan was a enourmous Stephen Donaldson fan. ;)

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