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ex WOT fan

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Posts posted by ex WOT fan

  1. Please Everyone stop watching this travesty now.  It is impossible for me to express the amount of disappointment I have in this piece of ****.  The longer it goes the less chance there is that it will ever be done again, by someone who has actually read the books.  I am sure RJ is rolling over in his grave as this "adaption" is airing.   Matt a thief, his mom a drunk, his dad a philander, Perrin married, no Luhans, Rand and Egwene have been having sex, No fever dream revelation, Thom playing a guitar, Moraine wounded and the list goes on and on.  There is no Elayas and no Doman apparently.  This abomination needs to end now.   I watched the first three and I am done.  I am most of the way through the audiobook of the Eye of the World again.   I am hoping this show will die a quick death.   Anybody who actually appreciated the books, and didn't secretly want to change them to some updated junk, should hate this thing as well.  I didn't expect much, but I was surprised that it was so much worse than I had anticipated.  Again, I am done.  STOP WATCHING IT OR WE ARE DOOMED!

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