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News item Comments posted by Tap

  1. Poor casting period. The world is already diverse the two rivers folks were well discribed. The town is cut off and not diverse. The only one that stands out is Rand as he is the only one of mixed race. Height wise not much of big deal. Perrin should be 20-50 lbs heavier as he grew up larger and stronger than others. Rand was adopted not blood of Tam. Rand is Aiel and Andor nobility. The cast can be shuffled to more fitting roles as the world in the first few books are diverse. Part of the greatness of the first book is realizing the world is a large diverse place. With Rand having to come to grips he dose not look like his father and was adopted. Lan was a great choice as i can see his kingdom fitting with the armor. Moraine will be fine even though later on they will have to make her look younger.

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