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News item Comments posted by brgalyon

  1. On 8/25/2019 at 4:55 PM, Garalath said:

    I don't understand why people are saying that they want this TV show to be PG-13. The books themselves are not PG-13 except for not detailing out sex scenes everything else is very MA content (I'm talking about the battle scenes like Dumai's Well and language even though it isn't modern cussing.) These aren't things that can be cut out because these things help shape the trio since they all hate battles and killing but they are forced to do so to survive. I doubt they would be able to make this show work as a PG-13 content and stay true to how detailed the books were in the battle scenes and not to mention the several scenes of torture depicted in the books.

    I agree it can't be PG13 but I would love to see the language remain the same. This is supposed to be a fantasy book set in the far future. Whose to say the language remained the same. Violence (given), nudity (can be tasteful), language leave alone! Not every show needs to have "fuck" used like scarface! This is supposed to be a fantasy book written far in the future not a post apocalyptic world of 2040!

  2. On 6/24/2019 at 4:10 PM, Daniel said:

    I just got done with my third re-read and even though this is my favorite book series of all time. It definitely needs an update. WoT is a very progressive book series for how many years it continued on for along with the progressiveness of where it started. Idk if you remember but nudity is a major thing for a few of the WoT cultures. Along with tests for the white tower. Don't forget a very important point in Rand and Aviendha's story line. If that's something that'll prevent you from watching then good. I'd much rather you guys not watch and let Raf and the team do this amazing series justice. If LGBTQ stuff grosses you out. You probably shouldn't re-read the books because it's definitely there and will be in the show. That said if they don't have Lan be somewhat Asian I'm going to revolt. 

    I agree it is there. Which is why it doesn't make sense to change characters storylines to add more. Moraine and Siuan were "pillow friends" but that doesn't mean it needs to be a main story point. Also Lan has been cast and is an asian guy and I couldn't agree more! Some have argued for Elayne and Min; or Min/Aviendha to have a love interest and ignore the entire love triangle between Rand, Min, Elayne, and Aviendha which I think it a mistake because it totally changes a lot of Rands motivations and outlooks. Make an Asha'man gay is fine, but changing main characters story arcs completely changes the story. This story was written in the 80's/90's and is way ahead of its time with LGBTQ stories so to have to add it in seems forced. Ive read the books 3 times and listened to the audiobook (some pronunciations I was WAY OFF on ha ha), but the LGBTQ is definitely there without changing entire story lines. 

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