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Tom D

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News item Comments posted by Tom D

  1. On 7/5/2019 at 10:45 PM, Beidomon said:

    Some of what I’m hearing is good news. The showrunners def need to take a page from GOT and make the characters less one-dimensional. One of the biggest failings of WOT. We need to see more of the Forsaken and actually develop those characters! That’s worth cutting about 100 dumb Aes Sedai. Also would like to kill off some big characters earlier, and perhaps chop

    down that rather silly Rand-Min-Elayne-Avi thing.


    I really don’t care if they change a few ethnicities or even sexualities of the characters. My bigger concern is the *feminism* bit. WOT has plenty of strong female characters, but the SuperGirls get more than a little annoying at times. Not to mention the interminable Aes Sedai nonsense that made Books 7-10 such a horrible slog. I am VERY worried this series is going to play up Moraine and the SuperGirls and downplay Rand. Rand is THE CENTRAL CHARACTER!!!!


    If they stray too far into the woke weeds, that’s going to ruin it for me. 

    I was wondering when someone was going to bring up Rand and his 3 women...

  2. Remember that GoT set a "standard" for success on HBO - which required people to subscribe to see (I didn't but wanted to), but on the Amazon platform (anyone who buys items and wants them in 2 days) gets access to Prime. So, they don't need the sex scenes that GoT did in the early years to pull in viewers. 

    My hope is that the first season is successful enough that the producers can then bring Jordan's immersive world to light. (no pun intended) So many characters, so many storylines, let's see it all! 

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