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Posts posted by Magnus

  1. Greetings from Washington state!


    Having majored in the development of modern literature, and receiving a Master's in Divinity, only now - at 39 - do I begin my first journey through the Wheel of Time. Very satisfying experiences in a world that seems at once immediate and wide, mysterious and familiar. A fan of everyone from 'high-brow' literature such as Borges and Sebald to easy reading sci-fi like John Christopher's Sword of the Spirits, I'm delighted to return home from a stressful day housing the homeless and raising two children and curl up with a new universe, the bright world of Robert Jordan. Huge fan of the old school artwork on these covers, attention to detail in his world and the surprising characters drifting in and out of a voyage through time. 


    Not expecting any feedback here, but thought I'd share as I'm not one to write - ever - in forums. Much less read/write anything popularly imagined as fantasy. But thanks for reading this post, if you've made it this far. Anyone who'd like to swap initial impressions of the Eye of the World, chat literature, fly fishing, Chinese poetry, Orthodox Christianity and the like. Thanks again for chiming in, if you do. Looking forward to a little community here on this board.


    + Joseph


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