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Posts posted by Leanne_Rivett

  1. On 22/01/2018 at 12:47 PM, Dragons Lair said:

    Hi Leanne,


    Unfortunately I wasn't able to contact Harriet. A shame really as I know some of the best miniature sculptors in the world and the miniatures would have been amazing.


    I've sinced moved on and are busy producing my own commercial miniatures however I may revisit the idea in the future as it's such a good story with lots of great characters.


    That is a shame, well with Sony now having the rights to the series, which I found out after starting Eye of the World at the beginning of this month, may be we will get some merchandise.  


    I feel I have started this saga at the right time, it is as if it found me :)

  2. My Husband is a  board gamer and is into Warhammer Age of Sigmar,  Blood Bowl and Warhammer 40,000, I've always been interested in RPG such as D&D but never ventured any further than just browsing. 


    For my birthday last week I was in Forbidden Planet and came across The Wheel of Time for the first time.  I purchased The Eye of the World in a bundle of the first six books, I started this week and cannot put the book down. 


    Although right at the beginning of the saga, I have already thought, I wonder if they do miniatures of these fantastic characters and have found the Wheel of Time RPG book online, I really think this is something I could get into as love the depth of the development of the characters from Edmond's Field.  Seeing this discussion topic really appealed to me, does anyone have any update, or, if any of you are Warhammer / Miniature painters, have you ever made your own versions of Wheel of Time characters to RPG out of Games Workshop or other companies products?  If anyone has, any suggestions?


    Thank you


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