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Posts posted by ImNerdy

  1. Welcome! 

    I love both series, The Wheel of Time, and A Song of Ice and Fire. I think that WoT leans a little more towards YA in comparison to GoT, but that makes it no less epic. Both series bog down after awhile. There's not telling if GoT will snap out of its drudgery, but if the show is any indication, it will. WoT definitely picks back up again in Book 11 after a couple/few volumes that could have used better editing, but something cool happens in each book, to be sure, and the endings are generally pretty awesome or finish as cliffhangers.


    I am listening to it for the first time. I've read the series twice (but the final book only once). I'm glad you like it, and I'm glad that you found us! You can always discuss the books here, but unless you are on the Structured Wheel of Time Discussion boards, you are likely to meet with spoilers. The social side of this site is fun and welcoming, and there is also serious role play. 


    You will find that there are several people here from Arizona, and I can think of two from the Phoenix area right offhand, so you should feel at home in more ways than one. Again, welcome! :smile:


    Thanks Ben! That's awesome that there are Phoenix folk about. 
    I do really like the GoT series, and I agree that WoT isn't as adult, so far. I'm assuming there are no gratuitous sex scenes coming up anytime soon, haha. Now, I'm speaking purely from where I am right now in the series, but I think I like WoT more because it's not just all doom and gloom. It's the same reason why I enjoyed The Hobbit more than the LOTR trilogy. I also like series that allow the reader to "evolve" with the characters as opposed to forcing them on you, which I feel WoT is doing well.
  2. Hello!

    My name is Sarah. At the behest of my friend, I began reading (aka listening) to The Wheel of Time series on Audible. I started with A New Spring and I'm about 6 hours from completing The Dragon Reborn right now. I already have The Shadow Rising queued up and ready for listening as soon as this one concludes. 


    I'm pretty addicted already. I know I'm far from the end of the series, but I like it better than the GOT series so far. I'm really excited for the adaptation, assuming it doesn't suck. 

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