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Meeno Minhas-Calabrese

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Posts posted by Meeno Minhas-Calabrese

  1. I understand that there is and will be a lot of skepticism and tongue foolery against a TV series but i give credit to the production house for even attempting such a enormous task.  I look forward to the processes as they evolve and the proverbial curtain finally rises to the first episode. 


    I would much prefer that nothing be cut be it character, nuance, plot line or point.  Each and every piece is integral to what we know and love as WOT. I agree that there are many aspects that could or need to be cut or revised for better viewing but that would take away from what we have spent years reading and loving be it good or ill.


    I am like many at the edge of my seat waiting..

  2. Not exactly new but it has been a couple years since i have actually indulged in dragonmount for any length of time but have always checked in here and there to see what is new and exciting.  Good to be back in full swing and looking forward to what comes next.


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