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Posts posted by Vetra

  1. They literally have a city in aMoL, they could find their song if they went to Rhuidean. The seanchan brought peace to the tinkers and did so by collaring women, perhaps their way is the best way to deal with those who can channel since the AS did nothing for the tinkers despite having a few sisters from them. 

  2. The blue ajah, like what is the reason they exist? "to be involved in causes," yet the only causes we see are TDR, which the green should've really be leading, or WT politics cleaning the failures of the red ajah, which is also poorly done why did every red amyrlin fail? Why not have a grey or green or blue fail as amyrlin? Honestly what is the difference between the blue and grey? Grey involve themselves with politics but wouldn't that be where most of the causes are? The blue ajah is nothing more than a plot device some unnecessary excuse for Moraines actions. 

    The build up of the red ajah as being horrible they are seen as cruel and untrustworthy, which makes sense for Rand but that was no reason for the other characters poor treatment by them or the stupidity and paranoia of Eladia who is mentioned as being smart then only shown as being stupid. Their history of failure in the books is horrible one failure should've been enough but they have two of two past amyrlins who were stilled. When RJ tried to bring them back into the light it was too late. 

    Also every ajah has a stereotype and they all commit to it and have little to no verity, except pevara great character, The WT was just poorly written overall 

  3. @dexterryu it isn't about competent women it is about how almost every single woman acts the same. Usually arrogant or at least without gratitude it seems like he had one template he based his women off of and just adjust arrogance slightly. The characters are not varied nearly as much as every other great author's characters are.


    Only the Ogier society are untouched by this issue.


    But they aren't, the Ogier women are often thought of as being the same as humans, according to Perrin, and Loials mother certainly fits in with this belief.



    It seems like every woman is written the same, they think they should be in charge and are pissy when they aren't. They look down on men, and other women, until they need them then they quickly forget them usually without much thanks or gratitude the next interaction they have.

    To blame this on the breaking is ridiculous since they do blame that on the OP and have an instant fear of men who can channel not just any man, except red AS.  

  5. A bit late to the discussion, and haven't finished the books only recently started on tPoD. Elayne may not be that great of a channeler even with her OP strength being so high but she could make bigger weaves than most due to her training with the sea folk and you can't look past her being able to make ter'angreals, she is the only person who can it seems more likely that RJ wanted to show the different talents AS had and not have a bunch of characters who could do anything. Plus Egwene wanted to learn everything whereas Elayne and Nynaeve both focused on learning one thing. So their desires may have played into what they could do.

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