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Posts posted by Domino

  1. I'm here but not very active.....the last rp i tried to do fell throw as the person i was rping with did not have the time any more.  :'(


    So i am kind of stuck, and have no memory ::)


    Domino is somewhere near the border of Murandy, in some no name fly bitten town and is dying to get out and find out the following


    1.Why she has no memory


    2.Why she is so skilled with a knife, this has slowly come back to her during her work in the kitchens of the Inn she is employed in


    3.Why she has recurring dreams/nightmares about a bridge that she has no memory of seeing/crossing


    4.Each month she has these days when she wants to just kill ......happens every month without fail......why? ;D


    Any help is appreciated ;)


  2. Domino was startled by Keira’s question. It was not the substance of the question, more the tone of the voice, so disbelieving and innocent, so certain, yet vulnerable. Continuing with her work, Domino wondered how to answer the girl, it was not as if Domino understood what had happened or was happening, and neither did anyone else in the village, so she decided it would be best to give the only answer she knew was honest.


    “I do not know Kiera, I have no memory of anything from my past. I was found by the side of a river, virtually dead, and I was brought here, or at least I think that is what happened, I was unconscious at the time and have had to rely on what others have told me. Apparently I only had on a skirt and blouse, nothing else and had no money or belongings. What ever happened to me effects me to this day as I have problems remembering what I did yesterday, or even the names of people.”


    Keira’s expression was confused, almost as if she found it impossible to believe what Domino was telling her. But then her eyes widened, and her mouth formed a silent “o” as she realised what Domino was doing. “Do you always work so fast Domino?” Keira’s question sounded strained, almost as if she was afraid to ask.


    Glancing down at her hands, Domino was equally shocked to see how fast she was cutting up the vegetables, even, precise strokes, but all done far faster than she had ever done before. “Quick Kiera, go and fetch Ceven, he has to see this.” Slowly, uncertain whether to leave Domino on her own or not, Kiera backed out of the kitchen and went in search of Ceven.

  3. ……………….If you press here….” The man’s words were cut off by the scream from the woman bound to the table. He waited for her to quieten before continuing.” As you can see, even a small amount of pressure on certain areas of the body will elicit a much greater response than one would expect. Domino nodded her head, fascinated by the woman’s response to the slight pressure he had used.


    ………………..she be no hearing us Wil, we be no needing to fear her now.


    ………..Standing on the highest tower in the City, Domino edged her way towards the edge of the wall surrounding this walkway. Climbing onto the rail, Domino spread her arms, standing tall she went to take that last, and first, step…….


    Glazed eyes glanced over to the source of the sound, slowly clarity entered the eyes as they became more focused. “I am sorry, Kiera isn’t it?” Kiera nodded her head in response to Domino’s question. “Well then Kiera as soon as I have finished with the washing up I can show you how to dice the carrots and such like, for the evening meal. Have you ever used a knife to cut vegetables before?”


    “Not really no, I have helped mom occasionally, but she does not trust me with a knife, you know how mothers can be at times.”


    Drying her hands on a towel, Domino replaced it on the rack and then turned back to Kiera. “Actually no I do not, I do not remember my parents, or even know if I had any.” Domino swept past Kiera and collected two wickedly sharp looking knives, of a size to do serious injury. Making sure Kiera could see what she was demonstrating, Domino had her pick up the second knife and hold it exactly as Domino did. Next, Domino started to slice up the vegetables explaining all the time why she was making certain cuts, and why there were different cuts for different kinds of vegetables.


    Domino had been doing this for nearly the full time she had been at the Inn and although she was proficient with a knife, she showed no flare when using one. She was more workmanlike than adept. “The only way to really learn this is to do it. So get yourself some potatoes from the bin over there and start cutting them up like this.” Domino grabbed a potato and sliced it into two then into quarters and then again. “Can you manage that?”

  4. ”Do you remember the time we sat in the woods, just us no one else, and we would tell each other our deepest secrets? Well I remember you telling me one that I found hard to understand, but I do now Domino and I want you to know I ………”


    “……..so I say we take the to the roof and stop standing here like light blasted fools………”


    “……..they’re coming through the walls, we cannot stop them.” Domino stood in the middle of the street, the smell of burning all around her. Looking to her left there was a line of men and women, all armed, and with grim determination written all over their faces, it was the same to her right. “The gate is breached, we have to flee.” Another of the soldiers from the wall screamed out as he ran past.


    “…………..it always rains this hard here, I thought you Borderlanders were used to a little bit of rain.” The man’s gap toothed grin annoyed Domino for some reason, but she could no more hold onto that memory than she could a white-hot bar of metal. Like all of Domino’s dreams, there were mere fragments, threads, from which she hopelessly tried to reconstruct her life. But come morning, they would mean nothing to her, fragments of a life once led, or just figments of her imagination, Domino could not say. Her sleep was restless, tossing and turning all through the night, and when she woke her bed sheets looked like they had been tied around her. Disentangling herself from them had become a morning ritual she could have done without. Eventually she climbed from the bed and went over to the small cupboard that had her washbasin and jug on the top of it. Pouring some of the water into the bowl, she replaced the jug and then splashed water onto her face; the coolness of it brought a refreshing feeling to her skin. Next she went to the small closet and took out her clothes for the day, quickly dressing, she took out the only shoes she had, a pair of black clogs and slipped her feet into them. On a whim, she grabbed a blue headscarf from the shelf and fashioned it into a wide headband and tied it around her head, arranging it so her short black hair was over the top of the front of the headband. Happy with her appearance Domino opened the door to her room and went downstairs for the start of another soul-destroying day.




    The voice broke into Domino’s concentration and she turned her head to see whom it was that had spoken to her. As she looked the girl over, Domino dried her hands on a towel then replaced the towel on the rack. “I take it I am to show you around here, assign you your duties?”


    “That is what Cevan said you would do yes.”


    Domino thought the girl hesitant in her answer but put it down to her being young and this being a strange place to her. Domino nearly laughed at that, as the Inn was always a strange place to her, even after a year she still forgot where things where. “Well then, lets see.” Domino looked around the kitchen, one finger tapping against her front teeth, until her eyes came to rest on a large pile of washing that needed hanging on the line in the yard behind the Inn. “For starters you can take that pile of wet washing out into the yard and hang them up on the line, make sure you do not get any dirt on them, if you finish before I do come back here and you can help me finish up with the pots and pans.”

  5. The woman sat astride the body on the bed, a large curved dagger gripped in both hands and raised above her head. Face expressionless, the dagger flashed down, blood spurted everywhere as the main carotid artery was severed. Domino felt the body spas med beneath her as the organism sort to prolong life. She was agile enough to be able to keep her position and waited for the spasming to subside. The gag in the mouth of her victim prevented any but the smallest sounds escaping, and that was easily explained away as the sounds of passion, that was what had lured him into her clutches after all. Once the hook had been baited, he had been an easy catch. Getting up Domino went over to the wash basin and cleaned away the filth, then turned as something thundered against her door.






    Get your good for nothing backside out here and help me serve these customers, we do not have time for your daydreaming.”


    The voice startled the woman. She was leaning against the doorframe, completely obvious to her surroundings and it took a moment for her to comprehend where she was. The voice was unknown to her, at least at this moment, there was a memory of a name, but she could not quite grasp it. Looking up she spotted the owner of the voice, a large man, both in height and girth, with a bull like neck, baldhead and large meaty hands. Taking a deep breath she started to walk over to where he was standing behind the counter, realisation slowly came to her. She worked in an Inn on the outskirts of a large city, but she could not recall the name of the City or the Inn she was currently in.


    “I am sorry, I do not mean to shirk on my duties, but this is very strange to me, where am I, and what is your name? I take it mine is Domino?”


    The man shook his head at Domino’s questions, a resigned look appearing on his face. “You are where you have been for the last year, working in my Inn and helping out in the kitchens when needed. We are in a small town a days ride from the river that you were dragged out of, an arrow still embedded in your shoulder, and blood flowing from a wound to your head. When you woke, three days later, you were like you are now, completely confused. Of late these episodes have got worse, it is almost as if some memory is trying to resurface.”


    Domino did not know what to make of the man’s statement, she did not even know if he was telling her the truth, but looking at her dress and slowly starting to realise where she was, Domino suspected he was telling the truth. “But”, the word sounded like it was dragged from her parched lips, and her tongue darted out to moisten her lips. “Sorry, my mouth was dry, who are you, is what I was going to ask?”


    Shaking his head, the man reached for her arm and propelled her out of the corridor and into the bar. “My name is Ceven, I own this Inn and live here with my wife and two girls. Chelka is my wife’s name and the girls are Petra and Morwenna. Now get on with your work and no more day dreaming.” With that Ceven left Domino to serve the customers who were standing at the bar while he went and fetched a fresh barrel of ale. That evening was one of the busiest in Domino’s memory, but seeing as she could not even remember the day before, that was not saying a lot, but from listening to Ceven and Chelka speak, Domino gathered that they were pleased with the night’s takings.


    Once she was finished with her duties, Domino left the Inn and walked to the fountain in the center of the village, it was where many of those who were to young to drink gathered of an evening. At this hour though, Domino had the place to herself, and sat on the edge of the wall around the fountain dipping her fingers into the water. Looking about her, Domino sighed, no matter how hard she tried nothing seemed familiar to her, nothing stirred a memory inside of her and this was starting to terrify her. Tiring of the solitude, Domino returned to the Inn and went to her room, undressing and having washing the dirt of the day away in a small basin, she then climbed into her single bed, more a pallet that a bed, and waited for sleep to take her.


    If Domino could have remembered the past year, she would have been surprised to learn that her days were almost always the same as the one that had just ended. It was not the last year she needed to be concerned about, the time before that contained far more surprises and interest. But ever since that night on the bridge, Domino had a memory that only worked occasionally, and at best could be described as foggy and that was often how Domino felt, as if she was groping her way through a fog.

  6. Hey kiera:)


    Long time since you nagged me to come and play with you, well i eventually got here, so as soon as the bio thing is sorted we can get started, are you going to show me the ropes or should i show you them? :wink:

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