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Daniel Hendricks

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News item Comments posted by Daniel Hendricks

  1. I would love to go to this.  I might even be able to make it to the L.A. one (I work about 45 min away and get off work at 3:30). But with no reservation system, I'm pretty much guaranteed to not actually get a seat. Would love to see reservations added.  Or even one of those "Watch the first three episodes in theaters for regular ticket price events".  Heck, even as an option for private watch parties on the 19th (my local theater charges $250 for those; I suspect I could easily get 25 people in my area to throw in $10) would be fantastic.


    But, unless you can take most of the day off, this is pretty much a bunch.


    I'm such a fool for becoming an English teacher (even if I do use WoT in my Mythology and Fantasy class ?

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