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Bryan Clark

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Posts posted by Bryan Clark

  1. The back story of Novice Kalee(Kah-Lee) Jarinson

        Kaylee was born of a Domoni woman and her Father was a Child of the Light. All of Kaylees life she heard how the White Tower was servants of the Dark One. That anyone who could touch the power also was claimed by the Dark one and bound to his service. Her father also went on to say that anyone who can channel will go mad, and eventually, bring about either another breaking of the world or kill those close to them. 

    Upon turning thirteen Kalee was wondering in a underground tunel when she first formed a ball of light and even got sick shortly after. Once she was done tossing her lunch, Kalee sat there as the feeling of guilt came over her. Kaylee figured that she may have touched the source and that it was the Dark Ones presence that made her sick. As Kalee made her way home, the Words of her Father began to sink in. 

        Kalee made it home around sundown, and to Kalees surprise the house was empty. Kalee gathered her things: a few changes of clothes, a small pouch of soda, and her short sword with a sun burst on it, and then stole a pouch of thirty marks. Once complete with the task at hand, Kalee set forth on her own. With a pit in her stomach she sat out on an easterly road. 

        Over the next two years Kalee made her way from town to town, and inn to inn. Kalee tried to never stay in once place to long out of fear of the Children of Light, or even worse her Father finding out that she was touch by the dark one and had been sense birth. Using the marks she took Kalee managed to keep moving around. Then as her funds started to run low, Kalee traded her short sword to an Inn keeper for a room and a meal. That night Kalee did not sleep easily fearing that word of the trade would get back to her father. 

        Early in the morning Kalee left the Inn, to make her way north east. She walked all day along a winding road, when a couple leagues outside of luguard she came across a young boy with a hurt hand. Kalee being overcame with compassion and sorrow for the lad, she took his hand and looked into his eyes. Before Kalee knew what had happened the boys hand was better, then that sick feeling came over her as her stomach began to turn back and forth.

        Kalee continued with her journey. Know that that White Tower did house guest, Kalee had hoped to stop by, and hopefully get a room and a room before moving on. Once she entered the Tower she was approached by a member of the Blue Ajah. After a short conversation and the clearing up of some misinformation Kalee signed her name in the Book of Novices

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