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Posts posted by Moggy

  1. I wouldn't have portrayed Elaida as a monster in the final books. I'm sure I'm in the minority here but I found her a pretty fascinating, and even layered, character before The Gathering Storm. Sure, she needed to be kicked out of the Tower, and certainly got what was coming to her in a karmic sense, but I didn't feel she was entirely beyond redemption until the dinner scene painted her as completely off her nut. The way she was removed from the storyline felt a bit cheap to me as well; it was an incidental and too-convenient way for her to avoid the consequences of her war with the rebels, and just plucked her out of the plot like the inconvenience she was. Either way, I was seriously hoping for some damane Elaida chapters in ToM, but alas not: she's in one scene and ends it selling out secrets to the Seanchan and offering to let 20 (?) other women be collared in her place. Eh. She didn't need to be this unsympathetic, RJ got the point across in a better way IMO.


    Also, yeah, I think Logain should have been more prominent. He made a great first impression and was still a very cool character, but I came away feeling like he should've been more important overall.

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