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Posts posted by Xanthias

  1. What about Perrin do you like? Do you prefer early Perrin or late Perrin.
    We do indeed have RP Groups. Go to the main forum page and scroll down a ways and you'll find the RP section!

    Well, I like that Perrin is a fuzzy fellow! Perrin is a lot like me. I'm a rather large fellow who likes to think about what he's doing before just jumping into the action, though I am capable of doing so when the need arises. I think that I prefer late Perrin, though, as he very much comes into his own. I'm also a sucker for axes and hammers and when I used to travel with a Re-enactment group to different Ren Faires my favourite thing was blacksmithing. Basically I felt closest to Perrin in terms of the characters in the book. While I greatly enjoy the entire ensemble, Perrin will always be my favourite.

    I've seen the RP boards, I just haven't had time yet to delve into them further! Looking forward to doing so!

  2. Hi all! My name is Josh and it seems as if I read the series so long ago! I like to reread it every one or two years though, from start to finish. I think that Perrin is my favourite character, though Lan is definitely up there.

    I haven't really been through the forums yet or anything but I'm hoping there's some amazing RP opportunities here! I look forward to interacting with all of you!

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