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Posts posted by Serif.Marak

  1. I full agree like I said I was reading more into things.  I tend to look at it like if you had been a police officer for only 6 months suddenly being promoted to chief of police.  Guess my feeling I with so little experience and knowledge I think she did too good of job.

    Well, let's take a trip to Gotham City for a minute or two.


    How many promotions do you think were being handed out while Joker was killing off cops?  Gordon got pushed up to Commisioner; who replaced him?

    Plenty of rookies got a hell of a lucky break because the situation forced everyone above them to push them up.


    Besides, in regards to WoT, Egwene proved herself to be a match for the Foresaken, who were considered to be the most powerful channelers of the Age of Legends.  Nynaeve was more powerful than her and Elayne was pretty much equal.  When you consider that the average Aes Sedai was at least only 1/10th their strength, and many even lacked their control, it isn't too surprising that they would skyrocket straight for the top.

  2. Just seems like with everything that happened in the series they should of made it a bit longer.  5 or 6 years at least.  I mean Egwene had a record rise in 2 1/2 years from novice to Amirlyn.  I know I am reading too much into things but I can't see anyone ever thinking it would be a good idea to make someone with so little experience to be the head Aes Sedai even if you are going to try and use her as a puppet.  But this is one of the big issues when RJ and BS start jumping back and forth with things going on and from different pov's is its easy to lose track of time and make mistakes like with Perin and Faile.

    You're forgetting the very reason Egwene was chosen to be Amyrlin.

    She was not in the Tower when it broke, and was therefore unbiased.  Or, so they would tell the world.  Beyond that, she was Accepted and, in the minds of the Hall of Salidar, weak in herself.  Easy to manipulate.  They didn't want an Amyrlin that would take power and run with it; they wanted a puppet.


    Obviously that didn't work well for them....


    Yes, her rise was VERY rapid, but her being raised to Accepted was earned based on the fact that she was already more powerful than most Aes Sedai and had absolutely control over herself.  And, as Accepted, Siuan could use her to hunt out the Black Ajah.  That's why both her AND Elayne were raised.  They were of the very few that Siuan could trust, only BECAUSE they were so inexperienced.  Nynaeve and Elayne were raised by Egwene herself, and for similar reasons.  She needed people she could trust; they were more than powerful enough to warrant it; and she needed operatives that could act without hindrance.

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