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News item Comments posted by maueja

  1. Hi Mashiara. Just caught up on your re-read, and just wanted to say that I love your theory blog. This is only my second run through the books, and it really is cool to see the threads that RJ threaded through them all. You have a real eye for spotting the interesting details. So keep it up!


    As I read these chapters I found myself wondering why there seems to be such an emphasis on Moiraine's staff? Almost every weave she performs seems to be focused along it... so what's the big deal? She states clearly in these chapters that it's not an angreal, just an "aid to concentration". Fair enough. But it's clearly much more than simply a stick, as you can see when Bornhald goes for her with the sword - not a scratch and his sword melted and bent. So what is this staff? And should we care?!


    One more thought: Could Myrddraal's linking trollocs be another example of them making use of the True Power? Something analogous to compulsion perhaps? Or even the warder bond? Trolloc warders?!!

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