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Posts posted by Mefista

  1. The Fade with fain was acting differently because I assume its was in Fain's presence a long time, not to mention Fain was torturing it

     I meant not this one,but ones who were in the one of the first books, when this guy wasn't a goddamn marysue yet. Remember?


    And they are supposed to be more or less good-looking,according to the encyclopedia (described as "coldly handsome").



    Maybe in terms of facial features, but anyone attracted to something with slug-like skin, blank eye sockets and an emanating aura of fear needs some therapy :p


    They have no eye sockets,read canon better :p As for aura of fear, my mom beats any.Nothing would phase me after her.

    I just need to get laid, what is with starting lusting for men at 12 and as of almost 23, still being a virgin.


    *points to previous answer*



    Which one? You mean Shaidar Haran? It's pretty explicitly stated that he's an avatar for the dark one to physically explore the world, he's not a myrdraal at all, he just took on a myrdraal form.


     The one I made in the same post to a diffirent guy.This one:


    Well,who knows,they aren't fleshed out enough.Either way,even if you start with identicals,they develop diffirences overtime.

    As for personalities,there was difference noted in myrddraal who dealt with Fain - first was more patient. Also there is the poor curious guy who got himself killed cause he stared at Callandor way too long.





    How it is creepy?)



    Because they're possibly the freakiest looking creatures in a world full of freaky looking creatures and live to do nothing but kill, rape and torture? If you think that's "hot" then I never want to meet you in a dark alley.


    Man,have you ever looked at what women sexualise? You know,beings like Pyramid Head and stuff? Myrddraal are nothing but precious kitties compared to some of those.And they are supposed to be more or less good-looking,according to the encyclopedia (described as "coldly handsome").


    Sorry for somewhat erratic text,my english is kinda not the best.

  4. I know looks wise they all look the same the BWB describes them as "like the others as if poured from the same mold."  It also says "it has been said all myddraal are virtually alike"  I think they each might have a little personality differences here and there but like trollocs their nature has been probably been breed in them.  Shaidar Haran was said to be different in size and  personality.  It was  several feet taller, its demeanor was one  of arrogance  instead  of  servitude,and  has envinced a definite dark  sense of  humor,  something  previously unknown among Myrddraal.  I don't remember any myrddall having  a different personality except Shaidar Haran.


    So Myrddraal are for the most part the same with maybe a little personality difference here and there.  Independent thought isn't  something the DO wants. There probably is no myrddaal wishing for something like a different purpose for its life.  

    Well,who knows,they aren't fleshed out enough.Either way,even if you start with identicals,they develop diffirences overtime.

    As for personalities,there was difference noted in myrddraal who dealt with Fain - first was more patient. Also there is the poor curious guy who got himself killed cause he stared at Callandor way too long.





    More myrddraal.Less Forsaken.


    Why Myrdraal? They're just mass produced, homebrand Ringwraiths.

    Cause I have hots for them, and they needed more development.Won't believe they are literally that identical,when different ones are specifically mentioned as having different personalities.





    Oh, and creepy :|


    *points to previous answer*

    How it is creepy?)


    As far as I recall, there was only one myrddraal's name mentioned in the series::  Shaidar Haran.

    Though like another poster told, he is unlike other myrddraal.

    other myrddraal; there seems to be too few differences to tell them apart or to count the number that appear on-screen.


    That is bad.They should've been developed more.


    More myrddraal.Less Forsaken.


    Why Myrdraal? They're just mass produced, homebrand Ringwraiths.

    Cause I have hots for them, and they needed more development.Won't believe they are literally that identical,when different ones are specifically mentioned as having different personalities.

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