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Posts posted by Tomas

  1. Name: Tomas Al'Lucarna

    Age: 16

    Eye color: Brown

    Hair Color: Brown

    Nationality: Malkier

    Social Class: Warrior

    Build: Tall and Heavily Muscled.

    Path: Garrison



    Blunt and to the point. Not much of a sense of humour. Hard-drinking. Robust constitution. Immensely patient. Loyal to his friends and family and to the people of Malkier.



    Born in Jehaan, Malkier. Tomas was the middle child of seven, though the oldest son. Tomas's father was a Malkier Warrior... One who could trace his family back generation through generation all the way back to the Destruction of Malkier... All who wore the Hadori. His mother was the owner of a tavern and also a midwife of some repute. Unfortunately she died giving birth to his youngest brother.


    From a young age Tomas knew what he wanted to do upon being given the Hadori. His only wish was to travel to the White Tower and join the Garrison to one day become Gaidin. It was this dream that gave him drive and determination to push on far beyond the expectations of his teachers.


    Taught that way that only warriors are from the time he was old enough to walk, Tomas was an apt student with most weapons. But it was his ability to fight hand-to-hand in any number of forms where he truly excelled. By the age of fourteen he was training with the Defenders of Jehaan. They all praised his abilities as a fighter.


    Whilst his training in the Martial Arts progressed his training on the academic side of things suffered. His father felt warriors had little use for reading and writing. Others such as counting, knowledge of medicine and anatomy only as much as would be useful for a Son of Malkier.


    At the age of sixteen the Hadori was given to him by his father along with his father's katana and his own set of Malkieri Armour. An Ancient sword dating all the way back to the formation of Malkier after the Hundred Year War. It was said to have been forged by the Master Smiths who used the One Power in the forging. Ensuring it never rusted and never blunted. An old family tradition saw it presented to him upon receiving his Hadori. He left home a few days later to travel the world and seek his dreams.


    Arriving at Tar Valon Tomas's first view was a White Needle in the distance dominated by Dragonmount... Walking on foot he slowly watched the Shining City expand. A few hours later he was sitting outside the gates of the White Tower... Wondering what to do next...

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