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Bloody Ashes!

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Posts posted by Bloody Ashes!

  1. Agreed. One of the more emotional parts for me was when Rand held Elayne's belly and thought about his kids. Would not have had much of an impact on me two years ago. 


    Other big moment for me, Bela's death. WTF? Really?!?! You let that obnoxious w***e Faile live but not the horse that carried the Dragon Reborn before anyone even knew who he was. Hopefully she is a Hero in The Horse Dream.

    Holy Christ. Why do so many people find Faile and Egwene annoying or abnoxious? I found none of that, from any character for that matter. I guess that says something about the person thinking that. Faile was from a culture of hardened people, so i totally understood her and actually found every part of every character charming, because, just like in our world, there are people of every type of flavor. Light, people rather have a a horse live than a human character? 'ta hell does that say about a person?


    What a moronic book. WoT really showed its level as a Saturday morning cartoon series about TEH EVILZ. The Dark One speaking in all caps was bad enough, but then Rand started doing it - both sounding ultra cheesy and dumb. Rand's and the DO's battle of wills was completely ridiculous, and made me think that even Buffy the Vampire Slayer wouldn't sink that low. The cast of sitcom characters never stopped bickering with each other, and the Dark One and the Forsaken completely lacked any depth or motivation. The last Battle boiled down to characters endlessly killing Trollocks en masse. Out of all the main characters only Egwene and her personality-free loverbuddy died. The prose was beyond good and evil, reading the novel felt like reading a description from the back of a video game case. The end result was that Rand came down to the DO's turf, stuck a thing in a thing, and the prison was remade anew. Great. It's funny that he originally had no way idea of doing it and didn't really have any sort of a plan, but main character powers did not fail him.


    That's kind of a narrow-minded view. It was a battle of wills. The capital letters encapsulates that the dark one is not really a character. When Rand begins the capital letter, he transcends from mere human character to will. When Rand leaves in the end, he is not really Rand, but everyman or every person, or idea of every person. He willed his pipe alight; that in itself is powerful--not in the "I am a powerful character and can weave the pattern" but he is a symbol of will. So, Rand really did die but was left as a blur between a character and an idea.


    War is all endless killings in mass. War is not poetic.

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