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Posts posted by MsWolfblade

  1. Phew! It's over, it's really over. I feel a bit like I did when I quit smoking, like something I loved is now gone. I haven't dived into what novellas,fanfiction, etc has been written so maybe I can get a bit more smoke out of this last pack of cigs.  I needed a bit more Mat after the battle was over. Clearly my favorite character.


    Overall, one of my favorite book series. I've never fist pumped to a book but I did multiple times with this one. I just KNEW Perrin was going to break Lanfear's neck so when it actually happened I was amazed. I thought the ending was great, it wasn't too over-explained. I didn't like the body swap but kinda saw that coming too( when Rand met Morradin in the dream where Morradin told him to leave him alone until the last battle).


     Bela, BEELLLAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! WWWWHHHYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

    I actually agree with everything you said!! I feel a tremendous loss!! And when Perrin broke Lanfears neck was awesome!! Lol I just hope that Rand and the girls get to find each other. I feel rally bad that Nynaeve and Tam were not let in on Rands disappearance. They should have been told. This was the end to a vey long wait for me and now I don't know what to do with myself!

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