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Saphira Silvermoon

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Posts posted by Saphira Silvermoon

  1. Nateera hoisted her pack and bedroll, slung her waterbags over her shoulders and slipped out of town, hoping no one was any the wiser about her plans. At night, she would search for firewood. She always made sure it was dry wood so that it wouldn't smoke so bad. If her brothers were sent to retrieve her, she didn't want a green fire (which would send up more smoke than dry wood) bringing them in. They would simply insist that she go back with them and wouldn't leave her unguarded until they returned to the village.


    She travelled like this for about a week until she came to a village that was even smaller than her own. She went to the inn and rented a room for one week. During this week, she explored the little town and the surrounding territory. 


    At the end of the week, having found nothing of interest, she decided that it was time to move on. She counted her money and realized that she would have to find a way to earn some more.


    She decided to start walking and see what opportunity might present itself. When she would come to a farm, she would ask if there were any chores she could do in exchange for a meal and a bed. Usually, the farmer's wife was glad to have her help, even if only for a day or two. Nateera started her habit of making gloves and hats for the families, at this time.

  2. Nateera only had about a week to get ready,if she truly intended to leave on her birthday. She was very diligent in her chores, doing them as quickly and efficiently as she could.


    Every morning she arose, completed her morning ritual, and went downstairs to the kitchen to help with breakfast. After breakfast she would cleanup. It was the same at lunchtime and suppertime. In the evening she would work on her knitting while making her plans in her head. At about ten she would excuse herself and go to her room.


    She packed her flint and steel, her comb and brush, her knitting supplies that were not in use, some clothes, her supplies for making snares, fishing tackle, soap, towel, travel rations, water skins (which she would fill just before leaving), and her bedroll. In her purse was about twenty copper, ten silver, and two gold. It wasn't much, but it was hers. She put her things in the shed.


    On the morning of her sixteenth birthday, Nateera told her family that she was leaving to explore the world. Her parents thought that she was just fantasizing about what might be in store for her future.


    "Child, you are too young to go off alone in this world. What has put such a fool notion into your head, girl? Where would you go and how would you live? What would you eat? Forget this foolishness and do your chores like a good innkeeper's daughter. Now go help your mother with breakfast."


    I will leave today! Father just does not understand! I have to find out why I feel like this and the only way to do that is to travel and search out this pull! Hopefully, one day, father will forgive me for disobeying him.


    With that thought in mind, Nateera walked toward the back of the house as if she was going to do her morning chores. Once she was outside, she retrieved her things from the shed,  slipped through the gate, and headed toward the main road. When the townsfolk asked her how the family was, she replied, "They are well. Thank you for asking."


    I had better leave town before one of my brothers come looking for me. I refuse to be stopped . 


    She filled her waterskins and left as quickly as she could.

  3.     The sky was a beautiful light blue with a few wispy clouds of pearly white. The sun was tantalizingly warm on her face. The flowers were in full bloom everywhere around her. The trees looked so wonderfully fresh and inviting. She thought that she had never seen (or paid attention to it, if she had) the grass so green and vibrant before. The birds were singing the most beautiful song she had ever heard them sing.

        "Nateera, child, what has you so enraptured this fine beautiful morning? You haven't heard a word that I've said."

        I am sorry, mother, but it is as if I am being called to go somewhere for some reason I do not yet understand. Have you ever felt like this, mother? It is both inviting and frightening at the same time. I am sorry for not listening to you."

        "The only time that I have ever felt anything like what you are describing was shortly before I met your father. Perhaps you are destined to meet the man you will marry soon. Or, perhaps, you are just trying to get out of doing your chores today, young lady. Now, let us get back to work. Your father will be expecting lunch."

        "Alright, mother. I understand," she said with a smile on her face. "I am coming."

        After lunch was served, the dishes done, the tables cleaned, the floors swept, she began doing the laundry. 

        "Well, I suppose, this is not such a bad life, after all. It just feels like there is something that I have not experienced yet. Mother does not really seem to understand what I am feeling. Perhaps I will travel to some exotic land someday. Yes, that is exactly what I will do," she mused. "I will leave on my sixteenth birthday and explore the world."


  4. "Good. Remember, do not give in to the temptation and one day you will be Aes Sedai. Study hard. I will be watching you, as will all Aes Sedai."


    "I will remember. You have my word of honor on that."


    "Return to your chores now, novice. You don't want the Mistress of Novices calling you into her office."


    Nateera immediately returned to scrubbing the floor. I will always remember what she told me. I will be Aes Sedai one day.


    After lunch, she went to her next two classes after which she returned to her chores. She scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed until it was time for supper. She ate her supper and went to her room to study what she had been taught today. 


    She picked up her knitting and began going over everything that she had learned so far. She began with her mental notes on history. Next, she went over her notes on geography. 


    Then she decided to review what she knew about Saidar. First, she reviewed the list of names of those who had burned themselves out and promised herself that she would not let this happen to her. I should go to the library as soon as I get a chance and read a bit more about these women. I would like to know as much about them as I can. 


    She worked on her knitting for a short time and then went to bed. Tomorrow was a free day, so she would go to the library then.

  5. After breakfast, Nateera went to her History lesson. As she walked to class, she hummed a little tune and thought about her life as a novice. So far, she thought it was wonderful because she was learning things that she didn't know existed. 

    I will do my very best to remember everything that I should. I only wish I could practice my weaves without supervision. 


    After her history lesson, she went to do her chores. Today she would be scrubbing floors in the dormitories. Nateera didn't even mind scrubbing floors because it gave her time to reflect on everything that she had been taught to this point. 


    She looked up and saw the Aes Sedai who had brought her here. Quickly she got up off her knees and curtsied. "Good morning, Aes Sedai."


    "Good morning, novice. Be sure not to miss any spots or the Mistress of Novices will be calling you into her office. Are you happy in your new home?"


    "Oh yes, Aes Sedai. I am very happy."


    "Have you faithfully attended your lessons, such as Introduction to Saidar and not tried to practice without supervision?"


    "Yes, Aes Sedai. I promised I would not let you down and I am doing everything I can to keep that promise, but it is very hard not to give in to the temptation to practice without supervision."


    "Good. Show me how you would use Saidar to dry this floor in an area about one foot square."


    Nateera carefully embraced Saidar, fashioned the necessary weave and dried the area as instructed. As soon as she had completed this task, she released Saidar.

  6. Nateera awoke to a room full of sunlight. Her curtains were wide open. She closed the curtains, dressed for the day, and went to breakfast.


    She heard a lot of giggling as she entered the dining hall. There were a few novices talking about some kind of prank that one of them had pulled. Nateera simply went past them to the kitchen to pick up her breakfast tray.


    An Accepted came in and gave them their assignments for the day's chores. Nateera was sent back to the laundry by request of the Head Laundress. It seemed that the lady was favorably impressed with her work ethic.


    Nateera finished her breakfast and reported to the laundry. "Which station should I take today, Mistress? I was told that you asked for me. Thank you for your trust."


    "Take the same station you had yesterday, novice. Prove to me that I was correct about your willingness to do whatever assignment I give you."


    She worked for three hours, went to two classes, and returned to the laundry. After another hour, she went to lunch. Immediately upon finishing her lunch, she returned to work. 


    She began humming to herself as she worked. It was a tune that her mother had sung to put her to sleep as a child. It did not cause the same response now, though. 


    After she finished her chores for the day, Nateera walked back to her room. She was thinking about the things that she had learned in the last few days. 

  7. The chores were assigned during breakfast. An Accepted read off the list of chores and told each novice what she would be doing today.


    "Novice Nateera Raychon, you will be working in the laundry today. Report to the Head Laundress as soon as you finish breakfast."


    "Yes, Accepted."


    She quickly finished breakfast and left to find the Head Laundress.


    "Where do you wish me to work, Mistress? I have been assigned to Laundry today."


    "You may begin at the third laundry station. I expect you to work, not lolligag. Is that clear, Novice?"


    "It is very clear, Mistress. I will do my very best for you." She curtsied, went to her station, and began by rolling up her sleeves.Then she plunged her hands into the hot, soapy water and began scrubbing vigorously.


    After two hours,  she realized that it was time for class. She dried her hands and went to class. Immediately after class, she returned to the laundry and resumed her duties.


    As she worked, she thought about what had been learned today.


    As she hung the laundry, it became very tempting to use Saidar to finish the job. No, I must not use the One Power without an Accepted or Aes Sedai supervising. I don't want to burn the ability out of myself involuntarily. I don't think I could live with that. Better safe than sorry, as mother used to say.


    After supper, she went back to her room, undressed, washed and went to bed. In just a few minutes she was asleep. Tomorrow would be a new day full of learning and chores.

  8. When Nateera arrived at the classroom, she saw that Aureli had just arrived, carrying a covered basket on her arm. She followed Aureli into the room.


    "Welcome to your last class in this introductory course, class.  After today, your lessons will be much more challenging, but you have all shown that you are ready to handle what is to come next.  Today, we will study Earth, Fire, and Spirit.  As this is our last class together, this will be your last chance to ask me any questions or present any concerns you may have."


    With that announcement, Aureli moved on.  "We will study Earth first.  Earth has many uses.  It can detect mineral ores in the earth, help plants grow during unruly weather, detect faultlines, and many other things.  But today, we will try the second thing I mentioned."  A few attentive novices' eyes lit up.  "Helping plants grow.  More specifically, we will be helping a rosebud bloom."  


    Uncovering the basket on the desk, Aureli showed them the rosebuds resting there.  "This class always begins with imagining yourself as a rosebud opening to the sun, and it always ends with helping an actual rosebud do the same."  She picked up one of the rosebuds.  "You see, these rosebuds are so tightly closed that we can't even see its color.  But, watch closely."


    Aureli embraced Saidar and slowly took out three weaves of Earth and wove them just so, letting them settle on the rosebud.  Slowly, it opened, and the class saw a white rose opening before them.  She set the rose down and picked up another bud.  "Once more.  Pay attention."  She showed them the weave with the same slowness, and a bright red rose bloomed for them.  "Now.  Take one rosebud.  Just one.  Then, try the weave for yourself.  Remember, you can always ask me for help."  She hooked the handle of the basket onto her arm and had the girls pick out their own rosebud.  She watched them carefully as they tried the weave.  She went through the classroom, helping those that needed it, and she was sure to praise each and every one of them.  


    Nateera took her rosebud, formed the three weaves of Earth (weaving them as precisely as Aureli had), and let them settle onto the rosebud. As she caressed the bud, lovingly, in her hands, it began to open, ever so slowly. It was a perfect snow white rose.

    It looks just like my mother's roses. They are still my favorite flowers.


    Next, they learned to use Fire to light a candle.

    "If you find yourself using Water or Air a little easier, just remember that women tend to be stronger in those elements than these.  Do not be discouraged if you find it difficult.  Many things in life worth doing are difficult.  But now we will work with Fire.  Before we do, however, I must tell you one rule.  You must never...ever draw the heat out of a fire using Fire.  We use either Water to douse it, Air to snuff it out, or Earth to smother it.  But never use Fire to draw the heat out.  You will be severely burned, no "if"s, "and"s, or "but"s.  You will be hurt.  Does everyone understand?"  She paused to make sure that everyone had gotten that.  When she was sure they had, she moved forward.


    "Good.  We will practice the simplest weave with Fire: lighting a candle. A single thread of Fire is all we need.  And just a small one.  Remember, this is a candle, not a fireplace, and not a bonfire."  Aureli took out a candle from the basket to demonstrate.  Embracing the One Power again, she wove a small thread of Fire and curled it around the wick of the candle.  The wick came to life with a small flame that sparked and danced to life, but eventually settled.  "All you need to do is wrap that one little thread around the wick.  And to douse it, the same move is used with Water."  Pulling out a small thread of Water, she wrapped it around the flame, and the candle went out with a hiss.  "Now it's your turn," she said with a smile.  


    Nateera acknowledged her understanding along with the rest of the class. She had to ask for help with the weave of Fire. She returned her candle to the basket, as instructed.


    Then Aureli demonstrated Spirit for them by weaving a ward against eavesdropping around two of the girls as they discussed breakfast. It was amazing. She could not hear a word that they were saying. It seemed that they could not hear the class, either.

    I will have to remember this weave. It may come in very handy some day.


    She let the weave dissipate and repeated what she had told the others to the two novices as they took their seats again.  After they wee seated, all the novices were still chattering on about the weave and what else they could do with it.  She reminded them that while they couldn't use the weave today, the classes were designed to bring out their potential with their strength and their control, and sooner than they knew it, they would be tackling very complicated weaves.  


    "Now, we've only studied the very basics of Saidar and what it can do, but now you have the necessary tools to continue on.  You know the nature of Saidar, and the Five Powers as well.  I'll remind you that novices are not allowed to channel without permission for a reason.  Even though you know a few weaves now, and they are simple for you to do, if you do them wrongly, or too strongly, you can hurt yourself or those around you.  Just keep in mind those names we looked at from our second lesson.  It's because of that, that if you are caught channeling without supervision, the punishment will be harsh."  She paused to let it sink in, and to change the mood a bit.  "Now, if you have any questions about this class or one before it, I will be in this classroom for a few more minutes.  Class dismissed."  Aureli took her seat behind the teacher's desk to address questions as the girls filed out.


    She had enjoyed these lessons and would miss having Aureli as her teacher.

  9. This morning's chores had  not been too unpleasant. Nateera wanted to get to class a little bit early if she could. 

    "Hopefully," she thought, "we will begin learning weaves very soon. Maybe even today."


    She took her seat and waited expectantly for Accepted Aureli to begin the class.


    "Welcome back.  Today is a very special lesson.  That is to say, we'll be learning a lot, and at a faster rate than the last couple of classes.  You will be using everything you have learned up to this point, and new things as well.  Pay attention, and I'm sure you'll be fine.  Please let me know if you need any help."  when she mentioned that today's lesson would be special, some girls sat up straight and waited expectantly.  Others began to giggle and chatter, but she waited until it died down.  By now they knew that when she paused too long, they were being too loud.


    "That's right," she said.  "Since we can now embrace Saidar and control it, it is time to learn a bit more about its nature, and what can be done with it."  Aureli heard a few girls cheer along with the giggles.  She cleared her throat and moved in front of the desk, quieting them down again.  "Please take out your notes.  As I said, we must learn a bit more before we plunge into practice."


    "For the most part, women are stronger in Water and Air while men are stronger in Fire and Earth, and in Spirit, we are generally equal.  Each element has a different color.  Usually, the colors are as follows:  green for Water, blue for Air, brown for Earth, red for Fire, and white or silver for Spirit."  She stopped and waited until everyone had finished writing down the information.  


    "Some of you may see different colors for each thread, but that does not say anything about your ability, simply that you see the threads differently, just as we are all individuals.  So, as I show you these threads, write down what you see."  


    Nateera noted down everything that Aureli told them. She wrote down the colors that she saw for each element. Water was a shimmering green. Air was a wispy, light blue. Earth was a deep brown. Fire was a bright red-orange. Spirit was a sparkling silver.



    She embraced Saidar and let a good amount, but not a huge amount flow into her.  She waited until everyone was paying attention to her to speak once again.  "You may see a glow around me right now, or you may not.  Do not worry if you don't.  You'll have plenty of time to see it in your studies.  This glow is called 'the glow of Saidar.'  You will see it around any woman holding Saidar.  Remember that you are in a Tower full of women who can channel, so watch for it."  Some novices stared at her in concentration, others nodded in recognition.  But there were other matters at hand, so she moved on.


    She could see the glow around Aureli now and decided to patiently look for it in others within the White Tower.


    She took a rag and passed the basket on to the next girl. When her turn to try the weave came, Nateera placed her rag in the water, tried to make the weaves, but failed on the first try. It took her several attempts to get it right. 

    Why can't I do this on one try? Maybe I need to twine them together. Much better!


    The next weave taught was Air. She laid her rag on her desk as flatly as she couldand wove Air just as Aureli had shown them. Her first attempt was perfect. She let the rag drop and released Saidar as instructed. She could hardly wait for the next lesson.


    Smiling to herself, Nateera left the classroom in the best mood that she had enjoyed for several days.

  10. After she had eaten her breakfast and returned her tray, Nateera reported for her first chore of the day, scrubbing floors. 

    She finished the first floor just before her next Saidar lesson. Quickly, she headed for the classroom. I still don't want to be late for class. I love learning these things, even if I have to do chores all day.


    As she entered the classroom, she noticed that there was a list of names on the board. I wonder who they are? Why are these names on the board? There must be a good reason.


    When it seemed no one else would be coming, Aureli stood up and walked to the board.  She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it and stared rather pointedly as a pair of novices snuck in and sat down.  Once the girls were settled in, she began.  She hated repeating herself.  "Good morning, everyone."  She paused as the girls told her good morning as well.  "In the last class, we discussed and practiced how to embrace Saidar.  I know a few of you had a bit of trouble with it, but by the end of the class, I saw the room full of the glow of Saidar.  If you had had any questions or concerns about it, you should have asked me at the end of class.  We must move on now."  She had noticed that some of her students were looking at the board with some curiosity.  "I have a question for you all."  She motioned to the board with her one arm and said, "Whose names are these?  Why are they all written onto the board?"


    When no one answered immediately, she walked to the other side of the board and looked out.  No one raised their hands.  No one ever knew before she spoke.  Sometimes she wished someone would point out at least any single name.  But they never did.  "Every single one of these names represents an initiate of the White Tower who burned themselves out, never able to touch Saidar again, the ability forever taken away by their own foolishness."


    Nateera had a look of pure fright on her face, now. How could this happen? 


    "Today's lesson is on control.  When you channel, you must be in complete control of yourself and of Saidar.  We will practice a technique called 'Pushing and Pulling.'  This involves taking hold of Saidar, then pushing it as far away from you without losing it.  This will help you if you do lose control and Saidar becomes too much to handle, and it is a good technique for linking, which you will learn more about in your studies as an Accepted."


    Again, she adopted her hypnotic voice that she had used in the first lesson.  "Do you remember the last lesson?  I'd like you to imagine the rosebud again.  Imagine the delicate petals around you and the sun just beyond.  The petals fold back and the sun's warmth fills you."  She watched as the glow of Saidar surrounded these girls again.  This time, it was a little simpler.  Embracing Saidar would become as easy as breathing for many of them in time.  "As you are bathing in the sun's warmth, a cloud passes between you and the sun, very slowly."  She drew out the last two words to emphasize it.  "As the cloud passes, gently push Saidar away from you, but maintain your hold.  Don't let it get away.  Again, as slowly as it moved in front of the sun, the cloud now moves away, and pull Saidar back.  If you pull it back too quickly, it will hurt."


    Nateera followed instructions and was able to push and pull Saidar with seeming ease. They were told to release Saidar for a few moments, then to  embrace it again and practice pushing and pulling. This control was even easier the second time. When told to release Saidar again, she reluctantly did so. 


    She left the classroom with the others and returned to her chores. I wonder what tomorrow's class will be. 



  11.  Nateera walked as quickly as she could without running. She didn't want to be late for her first class. Hopeful, she rounded the corner and saw her classmates standing in the corridor. A moment or two later, the Accepted who was teaching the class opened the door and told them to come in. She entered and took a seat near the middle of the room.


    Standing up, Aureli addressed her class. "It's good to see everyone here on time. I am Accepted Aureli, and I will be teaching you this course on the basics of Saidar." She seemed to have everyone's attention. Good. "This is your first step to mastering Saidar and becoming Aes Sedai. I will teach you about the nature of Saidar, how to embrace it, and just a sample of what you can do with it." She stopped in the middle of the front of the room. "Now, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves, and say a bit about themselves before we move on. This will be helpful for all of us." She chose the novice seated to her left at the front corner of the class to begin. She watched and listened as every one of her students stood up and introduced themselves.  


    Nateera listened to several girls introductions before standing to give her own. 

    "My name is Nateera Raychon. I am from Woodburn in Saldaea. I am the eldest daughter of the innkeeper. I did not want to be confined to an innkeeper's life, so, at age sixteen I left home to see the world. In the last city that I visited an Aes Sedai spotted me and told me she thought I could learn to channel if I wanted to. I said yes and here I am."


    She sat back down. "I will NEVER channel without the supervision of an Accepted or an Aes Sedai," she promised along with the other novices.


    Why not channel? she wondered. 


    When the Accepted instructed them to take out parchment and pen for note taking, Nateera eagerly did so. As the lesson continued. she wrote down everything that was said so as not to forget. She had a momentary chill of fear when Saidin was discussed. The subject of Saidar gave her a thril


    Aureli waited for the girls to finish writing. When she saw that everyone was ready to move on, she walked in front of the teacher's desk to address them again. "Now for the moment you've all been waiting for. Please put your parchments away. We will now embrace Saidar." Once every desk was clear, she began to instruct them.

    "Close your eyes," she said, using a calm, soothing voice rather than the strong, confident tone she had been using. Once all the girls had their eyes closed, she continued. "Imagine a rosebud. Think of nothing else but this rosebud." She spoke slowly as she wove through the class, trying to give her voice a hypnotic quality. "In fact, I want you to become this rosebud. You are the rosebud. Don't think of anything but this rosebud, its petals gently embracing you. You can feel the sun just outside of these petals, but not quite. As the rosebud's petals open, you begin to feel the warmth and light of the sun. Draw that warmth in."


    As she imagined the rosebud, Nateera saw it blossom and felt the warmth of the sun falling on it. It felt so good that she nearly cried out in joy.



     "Wonderful," she said.  "Everyone did wonderfully today.  Release Saidar now.  We will continue in the next class.  And just a reminder...remember, don't channel, even just reaching out to touch it without supervision from an Accepted or an Aes Sedai."  She looked around, and once everyone had winked out, she dismissed class.


    Nateera did not want to release Saidar , but she did as she was told. She wanted to hold on forever, but remembered the warning that Accepted Aureli had given them. She could hardly wait for her next lesson in Saidar.

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