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Posts posted by Zanarky


    He wanted so badly to have revenge on Lews Therin for being the dragon instead of him, but at the same time, he was always too level-headed to just run into the fray and try to take him out. His extreme anger is balanced so well with his cool deameanor that the hatred the other forsaken feel toward Rand seems almost trivial.



    Don't really see where. I thought it was pretty common knowledge earlier on in the series about Demandred's connection with Lews Therin. I gave nothing away. I could be wrong, but I knew of that connection well before reading AMOL.

  2. Currently reading A Dance with Dragons, Book 5 of A Song of Ice and Fire. After that, a friend of mine bought me Kushiel's Dart. I might start reading that. I also bought the Amanda Knox memoirs, so that may come in somewhere too.

  3. Lesbian Vampire Killers was pretty awful.


    I watched Mulan 2 and nearly cried at how horrendous it was.


    I'm sure if I watched The Room, my eyes would be bleeding or I'd be rocking back and forth in the fetal position in a corner somewhere.

  4. Demandred is my favourite.


    I love the forsaken, or at least, how they were portrayed. They werent these faceless beings without emotions or personalities. Each individual forsaken has a rich weave of history, with their own level of evil. Some are very black and white in their intentions, some have more gray areas.


    But Demandred always stood out to me as different. I always felt that out of the 12 forsaken, his hatred for Rand/Lews Therin was easily the strongest. He wanted so badly to have revenge on Lews Therin for being the dragon instead of him, but at the same time, he was always too level-headed to just run into the fray and try to take him out. His extreme anger is balanced so well with his cool deameanor that the hatred the other forsaken feel toward Rand seems almost trivial.

  5. I'm all over the place here...


    You are tied between 3 Ajah!

    And, unfortunately, none of the the Ajah in the tie is the one you felt most associated with.

    Here is a list of your results:

    Brown Ajah: 5
    Red Ajah: 5
    Blue Ajah: 5
    White Ajah: 4
    Green Ajah: 3
    Yellow Ajah: 2
    Gray Ajah: 2


    I picked Green at the end. I was way off.

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