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Posts posted by Mark_Mandragoran

  1. I've been gone for the last little while, and im gonna be gone from now until the new years as well. Hope im not disapointing anyone! ill catch up as soon as im back. And don't drink all of my stuff in the fridge while i'm gone!

  2. Mark grabbed the ledge of the top, and hoisted himself up to get a better view of their surroundings. He wasn't surprised to see the other team at the ready already, since it was fair to fight unfairly around here. Or did that sound right.... no matter. He grinned as his mentor and he lifted their legs over in unison, and before they dropped to the ground, he grabbed her arm and stopped her. If the others could attack them as they came down the wall, why not beat them to the punch? He whipped out his lathe, and she followed suit, seeing his plan. With weapons at ready, they made a diving drop, using the momentum to add force to their attack. Mark went crashing down on the other trainees lathe, and since his was bigger, he managed to blow hers to the side, thus saving himself from the disabling blow that would have gotten him should they have climbed down.


    Mark went crashing into Ursana, knocking her down,and with Denira barreling into Aran, a messy tangle of arms and kneecaps was created, with all lathes flying from grasps as people struggled to untangle themselves. Mark felt Aran lash out, and a solid blow struck him in his leg. Ignoring it for the moment, he took advantage of the confusion to haul himself off of Ursana and hepl Deneira up as she rained down blows on a desperate Aran. Ursana struggled to reach her lathe as he moved, and so he stepped on her hand while standing up. On their feet, Mark and Deneira lunged for their weapons, hoping to grab them before they had to face the others barehanded.


    Lifting his lathe and moving into lion on the hill, he steadied his breath as he analized Arans stance. He could tell that he wouldn't be much help to Deneira there, but Ursana had a look of acomplishment close to his own, thus making for a fairer fight. He moved to cover Deneiras side with his body, and with a glance out of the corner of his eye, gave her the impression that he was ready to go. With his grin still intact, he lunged forward with the falcon stoops and aimed at Ursana, going for a winding blow. Deneira attacked with something else, but by then he was too busy with his own fight to notice her every move. He was lucky to have strong arms, otherwise his large lathe would have been easy to get by for Ursana. Using short movements for defence, he kept it relatively level, and avoided going for anything extreme, so as to keep her form knocking him off balance. He moved his feet to match Deneira as much as possible, knowing their success depended more on her victory that his, seeing as Aran would whip them both if he knocked over Deneira.

  3. one more point to throw out there. Don't the other boards cover the different times on the storyline? If we really want to choose a different time in the storyline to RP at, there should already be a board somewhere that covers it. That way we can have variety with our rps by having not just one place in time to play at, but can choose where we want to be, like at the AoL boards. So we should just stay at where we are, and just try to finish off the storyline as best as we can. Also, the balancing of divisions and the greater involvment of everyone in the main storyline are great ideas to me

  4. OOC: i got your back covered


    IC: Mark wiped away the blood from his eyes, trying to see though the matted hair that had bundled up in front of his face. The last guy has been holding a very extensive piece of lead pipe, and had left a nasty gash on Marks forhead. Luckily, he hadn't gotten any further, and was now lying face down somewhere in the mob, hopefully being stepped on. Mark had left the lead pipe, not wanting to miss out on the feel of his fist breaking something. Whether it was his own knuckles or not.


    He spun around just in time to witness another three men reach for him, and they managed to grab his arms while he leaned in and bit at their hands. One started to punch him in the head, and Mark momentarilly lost sight of his surroundings. Still smiling, he lashed out with his feet, using the two holding him as anchors, and managed to kick the third guy in the face. With him down clutching a broken nose, Mark was left to deal with the other two, who tried to toss him down to finish him off with kicks. Mark rolled away, and managed to knock out a passerbys feet in the process. He rose to one knee quickly, and instead of waiting, lunged at the guy on the left, aiming for the shins. The man toppled like a domino, but landed square on top of Mark, winding him with a random blow to the stomach.


    Mark pulled himself out from under the big man, and crawled away a few feet while trying to catch his breath, which was running from him faster than a Cairheinian smuggler. The two guys who had been trying to catch him got grabbed by other passing brawlers, and soon disappeared, leaving Mark to crouch on the ground and hope he didn't puke up his guts.


    While sitting there, still not sure of himself, Mark looked over to watch as the girl who had started the fight got nabbed by some very big, angry men. While they got ready to give her a good beating, a furious ball of legs and arms flew out of nowhere and eliminated on of them from the general group, driving him away from the girl, who now was going at it with the other one who had been holding her. Mark watched as they battled, but it was obvious that these big guys were more accustomed to this sort of thing than the average sailor, and even now were recovering from the vicious attacks dealt out to them. Not wanting to let a good fight go to waste, he sprang from the ground, all but forgetting his pain, and jumped on the back of the guy holding her left arm. He wrapped his arms around the mans neck, and started to squeeze, knowing that if he held on long enough he could knock the man out from lack of air. Tasting his own blood still pouring from his head, he grinned wider.

  5. Mark sat atop of a roof near the docks, letting the feel of the sea breeze flush over him. It had been a long day, and he was still tired from the training his new mentor Deneira was putting him through. He let himself relax, trying to loosen the knots developing in his shoulders. It was not going to be easy to sleep tonight, but he had asked for the deliberate beating. He reached behind him and grabbed a loaf of bread he had bought while taking some time out on the town, and sat back to watch the masses of humanity go by.


    Surprise, surprise. A girl came running by, followed by a gruop of sailors, and when they caught up with her, she started to give them hell for their pains. Along came a warder, Aran by the looks of it, and started to help the young girl take them on. Yet another, he couldn't tell who, joined the fray, and earned a black eye from the spunky girl before she recognized assistance and moved aside for him to help.


    Mark watched for a few seconds, letting his adrenaline pump before getting up. He then threw away his loaf of bread and grabbed a gutter to lower himself down to the road. With an evil grin, he moseyed on up behind the nearest sailor, quickly turned him around, and punched him right in the face, knocking a few teeth flying. A wound opened up on his hand where the teeth had cut him, but it didn't hurt much, so he dove headfirst into the riot, intent on finding more prey to take down. Even though he was quickly pinned down, he continued to grin, and managed to find his way to a standing position after a few kicks. This was going to be more fun than his training, if he was any judge.

  6. OOC: music shorts out for a sec, then kicks in as some nice heavy Nevermore ;)


    Ic: Mark and Deneira went down in a mess; limbs splayed everywhere. With difficulty, he dislodged his left kneecap from her right elbow (?) and pulled himself to one knee, trying to see through the muck that covered his eyes. Deneira was right with him getting up, but it was unfortunate that their mishap had just cost them a fair amount of distance, and the other team was now a good couple of paces ahead of them. Determined not to look like a fool, he grabbed Deneira and used some team work to retrieve their footing. With time to make up, they had to get moseying, and it was going to be hard.


    They ran off through the mud, globules flying everywhere. With their speed, they managed to reduce their terrible mistake to a few less steps by the time they reached the end of the pit. Onto the next obstacle, the wall, where they would need to climb to get over. Arans team already looked to be getting near the top, so Mark lept at the wall, scrambling for holds to propel himself upwards. Deneira was right there with him, moving hand for hand with him. Their combined efforts got better and better, pulling even closer to the other two, but the others had already reached the top. Things were not looking up for Deneira and him at the moment.

  7. Mark kept a straight face at the thought of them making fools of themselves. Today was promising to be an interesting one. He wanted to get it over and done with, so made his way to the starting line. They soon followed, and lined up to start. His mentor, Deneira, went through the requirements for the race before anything else, and then tied her leg to Marks own. With that done, they got ready to race. Mark cleared his mind, finding his little quiet place, and lowered his head while trying to quiet his speeding heart. He didn't know how fast Deneira ran, but he hoped that one of them didn't drag the other down.


    Well, someone had to say go, and he sure wasn't going to....

  8. People started showing up after Mark had sat down. Ursana, Aran's mentee, came into the field and grabbed a smaller lathe, looking for speed instead of weight. Mark carefully noted that, knowing he would need to watch his guard against someone like that. It was a good thing he had more reach with his, or he would be outmatched in the fight to come. He waited a bit more until Deneira decided to make an entrance, hugging Ursana and slapping Aran upside the head. He laughed at that, not because it was humourous, but because he hoped that it had hurt. With a dark smile, he walked out to meet the rest, and introduced himself.


    "Welcome, everyone, to the race. I'm Mark." He left it at that, not caring what they thought of his attitude. He remained silent after that, instead busying himself with taking everyones measure. He wanted to get to know his new mentor, Deneira, anyways. She looked like a happy-go-lucky type, just what he hated, and he was sure that even if they got along well, there was going to be some friction. He decided right then and there to not take any random hits from her. He would not let her make a fool of him by slapping him around like Aran. Even if he couldn't take her, she had to sleep sometime, and Mark could go for days without sleep.


    they talked for a minute or two, but he stayed out of the conversation. He wanted to get going anyways, and was getting anxious.

  9. Mark jogged into the mess hall just in time to see a somber tower guard walk out eating some bad looking toast. If memory served him correctly (which it wasn't these days) he was the mentor of the people his new mentor had arranged a race with today. Mark made his way over to the food and grabbed something to munch on as he cooled down. He had been up since midnight as usual, unable to sleep with the quiet grounds open for him to train in unwatched. He wiped some sweat off of his brow and sat down so he could take the litte weights he had tied to his legs. They didn't weigh much, but he hoped to someday work his way up to larger ones. With a sigh of content, he leaned back and enjoyed his meal, only rising to walk around a bit and grab some water.


    With a fresh meal inside of him, he walked back to his room. Since his roommate was usually somewhere else, he didn't worry about running into him anytime soon. He dropped his weights in a pile near his bed, and changed into something not sweat covered. He didn't care if his new mentor thought he should look good, he was just getting ichy in them.


    With a sigh, he walked back out into the rising sun. It was sore on his eyes, so accustomed to shadows and their depths. With a grimace of anger, he shrugged off the feeling and made his way to the field where the race course was set up.


    He arrived to find a lone man sleeping on the grass, with two laithes laying beside him. Recognizing him as the tower guard from the mess hall, he ignored him and instead went to grab his own laith. Naturally, he grabbed the biggest one he could find, so accustomed to the heavy weight that he overcompensated with lighter weapons. He gave it a few practice swings for good measure, and then moved to sit underneath a nearby tree to get out of the sun, and wait for someone else to arrive.


    He watched the tower guard sleeping, and shook his head at it. HE never slept except for the evenings, when most usually were out carousing or practicing after the long day. He hated to see others just ly down and take naps, since it showed a type of lazyness. In the wild, you didn't just nap. In the wild, you stayed alert, for to not meant your death.


    Marks hands started to shake. Staring down at the ground, he waited until his vision cleared before looking back up. He needed to keep control. The sister said he wasn't fully back to normal yet, and he could still snap under extreme pressure. He forced himself to relax, and contented himself with hating the man in front of him, sleeping away....

  10. Mark liked the sound of their next lesson. Something that would finally be applicable and usefull to him!! He whipped out his greatsword and tested the weight in his right hand. Considering he could use the weight of the running horse as momentum, things started to come easier. As long as he concentrated on the swordwork, he instantly did better at his riding(someting unconscious), and it fell into place. Being overeager, though, he overreached and flung himslf from his saddle with his own weight. He only grinned, though, cause todays lesson just got better! He looked over at the other guy to see how he was doing.

    "hey, everything workin for ya?"

  11. OOC: *cough, hack*......not....late, am i?


    IC: Mark stared out over the fields as Kynwric rode away and left him to ride his way back down to where he was told to go. He had gotten out of bed later than usual that day, somewhere around daybreak, and only gotten in a little excercise before going to the stables. The sight of the angry warder had intimidated him, but anyone with lots of fighting skill did that to others, and he respected his human heritage by allowing his human fear to keep him from doing stupid things, like challenging people like kynwric to a duel.


    Mark had somewhat screwed up saddleing his horse, and the ride out to the hill had been long because he slid all over the place. So right after jynwric disappeared over a rise, Marl dismounted and tightened the saddle. When he got up, looked around, chose the easiest and most scenic route, and started off.


    Easy it wasn't. Mark spent the next half hour letting the horse pick a route, and he held on for dear life, not wanting to admit that the horse could beat him by simply walking. The end of the rough path moved into a forested area, where Mark proptly fell off and recouperated. Getting back into the saddle, he noticed a slight groove in his pelvic bone, and for some reason... the saddle felt a little bit better. Just a bit


    Ignoring the looks he got when he arrived, Mark waited to see how he and the other follow did.


    OOC: good? tell me iff i did something wrong...

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