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Posts posted by naposim

  1. RJ had a lot of trouble finishing anything; I don't think he ever had to worry about wrapping it up too neatly :) I'm still frustrated that we never saw more of the Black Tower. Androl's character alone showed how much drama and texture could be mined from that place, even without the Aes Sedai. Just reading about the Ashaman slowly watching the Tower change as Taim played his hand, the arrival of Logain, or the aftermath of the Cleansing and it's impact on the dynamics of the Black Tower would have been fascinating, especially with RJ's writing style. Instead we got the Black Ajah hunters in the WT and the mystery of the Salidar Sitters....


    Considering the numerous plots and points of views in the series this was expected. I love RJs writing style and the world he created but when you have so many things going on at the same time you risk diluting the main plots. He could have written a whole book about the Black Tower.


    Well, RJ always did say that he hated stories that wrapped everything up neatly at the end. I realize most readers aren't familiar with the things he said in interviews and on book tours, but he said that stories like that made it seem as though the world and the characters might as well be on the shelf under a bell jar collecting dust. He didn't want to read the story again, because the characters were no longer living, their lives having been summed up too neatly. It was one of his most repeated lines over the years, and he always talked about how the last scene would have a hook in it, to make readers think there would be a sequel (and for most of those years, he said definitively that there wouldn't be; it wasn't until he got ill that he started talking about outriggers).

    I can understand that. I just wish we got one final scene with Mat, Perrin and Rand. Something more involving the other main charchters too and just a glimpse into the future. Anyways, this is the end and you simply have to accept that.

  3. I'm convinced RJ would have included a longer epilogue and tied things up much better. No final scene with Mat, Rand and Perrin. What happens with Rand, Min, Aviendha and Elayne? Same thing with the other characters. I can't feel at rest with this ending. Maybe that's just me. I can't accept that this is how RJ really intended to end the series (with no proper epilogue).

  4. Very disappointed. I'm sure Sanderson did his best (and his own books might be good, I don't know), but reading the last few books by him has been like reading shoddy fan fiction. The charachters are not themselves anymore, every other sentence feels wrong. This book is all over the place. It just feels unfinished and the dialogue is awful.


    And the ending, I wanted something more.  More details of what happened afterwards  (right after and in the future). I have been following the series since 97, so I'm very frustrated that RJ couldn't finish his work.


    RJ created an amazing world and this series deserved a better ending. 

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